Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Marco had never woken up in a castle in his entire life, well up until this morning at least.
Similarly, he'd never woken up to modest-looking maids being standing around his room either!

"Good morning, Prince Marco" said one of the well-trained attendants in a soothing voice, as the Safe Kid sat up in bed, still half-asleep. "It's time to get up"
"W-What? What's going on here? Why're you girls in my room?" He asked, in a nervous and confused tone; as our protagonist looked around, realising the entirety of his situation.
"We're your attendants, Prince Marco" a completely different maid answered, curtsying as she spoke. "We will follow your every command"
"You will? Well, can you guys just call me Marco instead? The whole 'Prince' thing is a just a little..." the brunette requested, politely.
"Certainly, Marco"

The Safe Kid swung his legs out of bed and walked towards a door with a sign reading 'Bathroom'.
Much to his surprise, his small entourage followed him!
"U-Umm...Do you guys have to follow you everywhere I go?" He asked, putting his hand on the doorknob.
"Yes, we are to tend to you under the orders of the King and Queen of  Mewni"
"E-Even when I go to take a shower?"
"Well, yes. It is our job after all"
"Y-You guys don't need to do all that! I mean, I've showered fine by myself for ages; so I don't see why today would be any different..."
The maids simply smiled.
"We know that we won't replace Princesses Star and Sear, but we still wish to accomplish our job" one of the women said, stepping forwards, unintentionally forcing Marco into the bathroom.
"It's fine! I-I can do it myself!" The Safe Kid shouted, embarrassed from behind the door.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the dining room, Star and Sear hadn't sat down at their own dining table for a very long time and it was a pleasantly nostalgic for them, along with a Mewni-style breakfast, the morning was perfect!
"Did you sleep well, girls?" River asked at he smiled at them from across the table. "I slept like a log!"
"I slept just fine, Dad" Star replied, happy to be able to spend time with her family without any uneccersary stress.
"Me too" Sear added with a bright smile.
"That's good to hear, dears. Now, do you know when our guest will be waking up?" Moon asked, stirring her cup of tea with a silver spoon.
"That's strange...Diaz usually wakes up earlier than this...He should be awake by now"

On cue, Marco came walking down the stairs slowly, donning a similar outfit to the one the King of Mewni was currently wearing.
Obviously from his stalwart walking style, the expensive silk clothes seemed to uncomfortable. Maybe one of the maids added to much starch to them in the wash?
Never before had Marco craved fabric softener so badly...

"M-Morning..." the Safe Kid said, quietly, pulling out a seat at the dining table. "Thanks for the...uhm...attendance this morning, Mr and Mrs Butterfly"
"No problem, Marco! I expect that they did their jobs?" Moon smiled, as a three chefs appeared around the table, setting down rather large plates of pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup.
"We decided to serve some of the food from your homeland, so that you don't get too homesick" River added. "Marco? Are you not going to sit down at all?'
The Safe Kid stood by the table, trying not to make any sudden movements.
The outfit he was wearing appeared to be dangerously a size too small, so naturally sitting down was out of the question for now.
"Uhm...Back in my homeland, it's good manners to stand up when you're eating a meal" the bruenette lied, as he took the plate of golden pancakes and tasted them. "T-These are really good!"
Sear snickered quietly, she was most likely aware of the reason why Marco couldn't sit down!

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope that you enjoy the festivities today, Marco. They will be in your honour after all" Moon smiled, as the Safe Kid finished his breakfast.
"Yeah, thanks...I look forward to it, Mrs Butterfly" the bruenette smiled, as the three teenagers headed outside.

However one walked slightly slower than the other two...

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