Chapter Fifteen

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(AN: Just wanted to say that I don't own the lyrics in this chapter, as they belong to their original owner, whoever that may be)

"So, where were you guys in the end?" Marco asked, as each one of the blondes embraced him a tight hug, as they walked into their dormoritry.
"Looking for you, silly!" Star replied, gently kissing the bruenette's lips. "We thought that you'd forgot that we would be returning today!"
"I would never forget something important like that, Star! You and Sear are way too important for me to forget about!" He replied, just as Sear took her turn to kiss Marco's lips.
"Come on, Marco~! Let's go home already; I'm sure you're all 'pent-up', if you know what I mean..."
The Safe Kid's faced flushed bright red, knowing what Sear had implied was more than likely true!
"W-What're you taking about, Sear? It's still broad daylight, you know!"
"Hmm? What does that matter?"
"I-It matters, because..."
Star's doppleganger smiled and slinked closer to Marco on the bench, before he could finish his sentence, drawing small circle on his chest.
"C'mon...You know that you want this~"
Just as Marco went to open his mouth to deny Sear's statement, he noticed the intrigued, enthralled and judging stares of the bystanders, who had stopped whatever they were doing to watch the roommates's scene, that looked like it had just come out of a RomCom movie.

" guys..." the bruenette began, standing up quickly. "Maybe we should head back to the dorms now? We're sort of causing trouble for all of these nice people here..."
Sear glanced back towards the small crowd behind her, turned back towards Marco and shrugged.
"Who cares about them? We only need to worry about the three of us, right?" She replied, hugging the Safe Kid yet again "Isn't everybody else irrelevant?"
The bruenette found that comment to be completely uncalled for and, apparently so did the bystanders; but more than anything, Marco never even imagined that Sear would say anything like that!
"W-Wait, what do you mean by that?" He inquired, as the crowd of people slowly, but surely split up, grumbling about how rude Star's doppleganger was.
"Exactly what I said, Marco. My creator said that the three of us are the only important people in the world! Isn't that great?"
Sear titled her head to one side and blinked at the bruenette in confusion.
"Don't you know what a creator is, Marco?" She asked, simply.
"No, I do; but why would you call that person a creator, wouldn't they be Star? She did drink the potion after all..."
"Star? No, she isn't my creator! They're actually-"
"Geez, Sear! You're such a kidder! You're just jet-lagged, aren't you? Now, come on, let's go and...uhm...unpack, yeah!" Star said, grasping her twin's arm eagerly and pulling the writhing doppleganger away.

'Star created Sear, right?' Marco thought to himself, as he sat on his bed. 'Then why is Sear saying stuff about a 'creator'?'
Marco had noticed the twin's new and weird behaviour recently and it was starting to raise a couple of questions...
But it would seem so untrusting of the bruenette to bombard his two lovers with lots of random questions; so the Safe Kid just left at that and blamed their new personas on jet-lag.


"I want to destroy
Will you be able to heal me from loneliness, from pain
And all things I had cherished
(Reincarnation, Realization, Reincarnation)
I want to disappear

Sounds of a city that never sleeps, the melancholy of these fake smiles
These real motive hiding, someday, somewhere as we had never seen them
Even if nobody speak about things as insecurity, we know about it

I want to destroy
These courageous acts I had cherished
But then, I won't be able to be honest
Even if I'm lost or in trouble, if you ever ask me,
At least, I'll destroy this pain and this loneliness
(Reincarnation, Realization, Reincarnation)
I want to reincarnate"

The real Star took a deep breath and faced Tom, knowing that her voice had just been recorded, ready to be used against her in the future, but at least Sear's life had been preserved from doing this malicous act.
"Hmm...You sound great when you sing, Star! Maybe I should book tickets to your upcoming gig?" Tom chuckled, walking out of the room.
"Marco! Can you promise me his safety as well as Sear's?" The blonde verified.
"Oh yeah, sure. As you can see Sear's in one piece and I can definetly promise the safety of Marco's corpse when you-"
"Oh right, you see, the clones were told to murder Marco, when they get really close to him, emotionally. So, he's probably already dead. But I can proudly say that his corpse will be totally untouched!"
And with that Tom and his guards casually exited the room, smiling at the triumph.

Star couldn't move...
Hell, she could barely breathe...
It was all too much for the princess to take in at once...
Just as her equally distraught twin cried loud sobs of anquish, Star's mind was only fixated on the fact that her beloved Marco Diaz...

Was dead.

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