Chapter Twelve

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"Ahh! It's over! The Ball is finally over!" Star sighed, contently, as she and Sear stumbled tiredly into their shared room, flopping down on her bed
The girls had just returned from yet another important party they had been forced to attend by their royal parents. To be complety honest, all the two blondes wanted to do at that exact moment in time was jump on the first plane to Echo Creek, head into Room 23 and run straight into Marco's waiting, open arms...

But unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Mainly because the two princesses were stuck in their hugmungous, fancy bedroom, still with a full 48 hours ahead of them, before they even make any headway back towards the mainland; which was complete with pink walls and frills on almost everything! It was quite obvious that all the hosts at the ball had spulrged quite a lot on their guests and the room Star and Sear were currently staying in was no exception. However, the girlish pink wallpaper did a number on the twins's eyes on bright, sunny mornings and the room had many unneccersary items arranged in it, many of which served no real purpose other than to look pretty, only they appeared to come across as overly tacky.
Both of the blondes agreed on the fact that they missed the simplicity of Marco's small bedroom, in comparison to their current gaudy-looking one.

"Geez, these shoes have been killing me for ages!" Star groaned, kicking off her pink mules, regretting wearing them to the large-scale event in the first place. "No wonder I found it so hard to dance earlier!"
"Didn't I remind you to wear flat shoes for the dancing part, Star?" "I was going to, but I never thought that I'd have so many dance partners..."
"Oh yeah, that reminds me; you were super popular with all the guys at the Ball, weren't you?"
"They just kept on dancing with me...geez, I even told them that I was taken already..."
"Well, all the boys from Mewni were never really ones to care about those kinds of things, were they?"
"Nope. Not even once; they were pretty aggressive too..."
Star covered her mouth and let out a stiffling yawn, wiping away the tears begining to form in her large, sapphire eyes.
"Oh man, I'm completely and utterly bushed...Night, Sear, see you in the morning..." she mumbled, lying face-up on her bed, already half-asleep.
"Star, you're still dressed! How can you just fall asleep in a dress, like that?"
"It doesn't matter, does it? Today was the last party anyways..."
"Just take it off beforehand, it's expensive after all!"
Star raised her hands up, tiredly and let them flop back onto the bed.
"I can't...I'm too tired..." she mumbled, smiling a little.
"Okay, fine...I'll help you out of it then. Here, sit up properly, so I can unzip your dress"

"H-Hey, Star?" Sear started, as she swiftly pulled down the zipper on her twin's dress.
"Hm?" The other blonde-haired beauty replied, curious about what her doppleganger was going to ask her.
"What would you say an emotion does after it's been around for a long period of time?"
"An emotion? Like love?"
"Yeah, like love"
"Hmm...that's actually a pretty tough question..."
Star turned around on the bed and faced Sear, smiling brightly.
"Don't you think that the emotion will eventually fade away after a while?" Sear persisted, eagerly.
"Maybe, after a while, but-"
"Oh...I mean, yeah! I already knew that! I was just testing you, that's all!"
Star's twin quickly began to head towards their shared wardrobe to bring out her purple nightgown, but the blonde stopped instantly when she felt Star grasp her wrist.
"Y'know what I really think?"
"What do you really think, Star?"
"I think that emotions like love tend to grow stronger each and every day. Emotions don't just fade by themselves. There has to be something to make them do so...Are you following me?"
Sear, who was speechless for once, could only nod her head in affirmative to Star's question.
"Good. That just shows that you're going to be just fine! Hugs!"

Both girls embraced each other in a tight, loving hug with Sear shedding a few tears as they did so.
All of a sudden, a loud, booming sound errupted through the building, cutting the twin's bonding time short.
"W-What's going on?" Star asked in confusion, as Sear hugged her tighter.
"I don't know... but it would probably be best to call the reception desk in this situation, right?" Star's sister suggested, wisely, grabing the room's personal phone and dialing the needed number.
It took a few seconds, but somebody finally picked up; even though they sounded completely shaken up and totally out of breath.

"The premises have been intruded, so we would like all of our guests to remain in their assigned rooms to maximize safety. We would also like to assure everybody that everything will be just fine and that our security forces will deal with the said intruders in no time at all. Please remain calm."

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