Chapter Six

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The journey home was a long and time-consuming one...
Marco walked back to Room 23 from the love hotel Sear had taken him to, wallowing in his own self-pity. The bruenette just didn't want his and Sear's relationship to be ruined by them skipping straight to the intimate part of their relationship; that was why he stopped Sear back at the hotel.
'I just wanted to take it nice and slow...' Marco thought, as he felt a light, cold drop of rain onto his skin.
Usually, the bruenette would whip out his black umbrella that he always carried with him, well with today being an exception, of course...
The Safe Kid had forgotten his umbrella back at home, whilst he had been rushing to meet Sear on time earlier; basically meaning that there was no protection against the heavy rain that threatened to spill from the clouds. But it was quite obvious in the bruenette's stern expression that he couldn't care less about the current weather.

'I'm such an idiot!' He thought, cursing himself, angrily. 'Sear must've felt really betrayed when I asked her to stop! And there's no doubt that her self-esteem took a heavy blow as well!'
The heavens suddenly opened, drenching Marco's clothes completely in less than a minute, but the Safe Kid was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to care.
'But I still don't know what Sear was talking about before she left though...I'm pretty sure it was something about not having any time left..."
The more the bruenette tried to understand what his blond partner had meant, the harder it became for him to decipher her sentence.
"Well, in any case; I have to go and look for her!" Marco decided, running en route to Echo Creek High's dormitries!

Star, who had just woken from a long nap, didn't really know what to think when she saw a dripping wet Marco Diaz burst in through the front door of their room. Confusion was her first, intial expression, but within a couple of seconds, her usual smile appeared on her face.
"Is it raining out there?" She asked with a smirk and a chuckle.
"Y-Yeah, it is..." the Safe Kid smiled, catching her sarcasm and shaking his head to get rid of the excess water that was running through his long brown locks.
"Wait there, I'll go grab you a towel"
"No, that's okay. I'm going back outside anyway"
"What? In this fine weather?"
"Yeah, I know; it's crazy. Anyway Star, have you seen Sear anywhere?"
"No, I was taking a nap up until now..."
"Ah, I see; so you wouldn't have seen her then..."
Star shook her head.
"Why? What's up between you and Sear?" She asked, urgently. "Want me to help you find her?"
Marco smiled gratefully at Star's kind gesture, but he almost instantly turned her down.
"Thanks, but I sort of need to confront Sear by myself..." he replied, scratchimg the back of his neck, awkwardly.
"Okay, I understand, Safe Kid! Just make sure you make up with her, okay?"
"Yeah, I will for sure!"

Two hours had now passed and Marco still hadn't got ahold of Star's blond-haired twin...
The sun was begining to slowly set, painting the whole sky a pretty shade of orange and red.
But the Safe Kid didn't have the time to marvel at the scenery...
"If I were Sear, where would I go?" The bruenette continuously muttered to himself, as he darted around Echo Creek, checking every place he could think of.
It suddenly dawned on the nacho-loving teenager right there and then!
The only one place Sear would go to, would be the beach! Mainly because she had made countless memories there and it was really quiet at night too, which meant it was perfect for brooding!
With this new insight, Marco began running off in the direction of Echo Creek's beach!

Sear sighed as she stared out at the large sparkling, orange ocean, which was reflecting the colour of the sky.
"I'll sure miss all of this when I'm gone..." she mumbled to herself, as she let the depression surround her, like a thick, heavy fog. "I miss Marco already..."
"Will you? Why do you have to go, Sear? Where are you going?" Came Marco's worried-sounding voice, as he approached the blond.
"Why, Sear? You can tell me, right? And even if you can't, I'm sure that you can tell Star..."
"...I'm really sorry, but I just can't bring myself to say it..."
"...That's okay. I'm just glad I found you..."

The Safe Kid embraced the blond tightly, letting her tears spill into the creases of his red hoodie.
"I'm so sorry for pushing you away, Sear...I was stupid that I couldn't understand your true feelings..." he muttered into Sear's right ear.
"M-Marco..." the blond said, trying to stop herself from bawling out loud into the twilight night.
"C'mon, we're going to pick up from where we left off, Sear..."
"W-What? D-Do you mean?"
"Yeah. Since you apparently don't have a lot of time left, I want to make you happy..."
Sear smiled, happily; through her tears.
"Marco, I love you..." she said, pressing her lips up against the bruenette's own pair.
"Me too, Sear...I love you loads as well..." he added, wrapping his right arm around her thin waist.
"C'mon...Let's get back to the hotel..."

Sup guys!

Do I really need to tell you what's coming next? XD

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