Chapter 1

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"Adrianna!!" Exclaimed Grace.

"Yes?" I asked

"Are you excited?!? You finally get to meet your birth family."

"I don't know..."

"What's there not to know?"

"What if they don't like me?"

"They'll love you."

"Highly doubt it."

"Adrianna, look I know this is scary especially since they gave you up when you were just a baby, but maybe they'll explain why. Maybe they'll see how good you've done without them and they'll regret ever abandoning you."

"Gracie I know you're just trying to help, but there's nothing you can say that will change my mind."

"Ugh fine."

This is suppose to be one of the most exciting days of my life, but how am I suppose to meet them and not scream "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU ABANDON ME?" I know they have this whole big stupid ass excuse as to why they couldn't take care of me, but that doesn't change the fact that I grew up feeling unloved and being thrown into several homes where I was abused and raped. They may not have been able to take care of me and give me everything, but I still should have grown up with a family and not have had to see all the horrible things I have seen. How am I suppose to sit there and forgive them?

Flash forward to the meeting

"Alright Ade, are you ready to meet your mom and dad?"

No, I'm not but I'll just pretend I'm excited and ready. "Yes, I wanna meet them."

"Alright follow me."

We walked down the long halls, stopping in the room we mainly use as the room where people meet the kids they will potentially adopt. I breathed heavily and choked down the tears that were trying to escape my eyes. I'm ready, I can do this. Mrs.Castro looked at me and I nodded, she opened the door and I froze, all the color escaping from my face.

"H-hi..." The tall man stuttered.

"Hello..." I said in a tiny voice moving towards the chair across from the couple.

"Hi there sweety, I'm Amy and this is Chris. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Funny considering you guys gave me up. Oh my God I'm so sorry I should have kept that to myself."

"It's fine sweetie we completely understand that you hold a grudge against us, we don't blame you. But we do want to explain to you why we had to give you up."

"That's not the choice of words I would have used, I'm not holding a grudge, I simply just hate you. No offense."

"Well can I explain why we had to give you up?"

"You make it sound like it wasn't a choice, but fine whatever."

By a Chance of Fate | Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now