Matt (7)

107 7 6

Hi, how're you? The last chapter was the best thing I've ever read. Thank Serenity for that, THANK YOU SERENITY. Ok. I'll let you read now. (P.s. I am listening to the MCR radio on pandora. Don't. Follow. My. Moves. And I'm eating goldfish [the snack that smiles back] at 1 in the morning... I'm a sad person.)

I wasn't completely asleep I was fantasizing about Gabe, his hair was so thick and luscious and I just want to pet it. His glasses, don't even get me started on how much I loved geekiness. On a scale of 1-10 he would be infinite. I don't like putting people as numbers, but, damn. You can't not think of him on a scale.

I heard a sob, it was from Gabe. I felt the urge to help him, but I didn't want to come off as creepy or extremely gay.

I gave up and jumped down from the top bunk onto the bottom bunk. And pulled him into my body.

He felt so warm.

He snuggled up into my chest and I felt my shirt getting wet, but I don't care.

I couldn't sleep, but after he fell asleep he started shivering and I pulled him closer he seemed to quit and relax after I did.

Then he started whimpering, and pulling his hips closer to me.

I whispered in his ear "I love you so much."

He didn't respond to that but he took a breath and held it in. Maybe that was a response, maybe not. You pick.

"Ahg, stop teasing." He said. What? Then he moaned loudly, in pleasure.

Was this about me? I half hope it is and half hope it's not.

Why? I can't be in a gay relationship at a Christian boarding school.

He shook for a minute and lifted his head.

I panicked and pretended to be asleep, he started panicking and then he looked at me, I felt his eyes dig into my skull.

He laid back down and cuddled back into my chest, this time he pulled his back into my chest, making us spoon.

It was warm, and comforting. I loved it. And I knew that since he did that, the dream was about me.
I woke up the next morning and he was up getting dressed. I pulled the covers over my head so I didn't seem like a perv.

He climbed on the bed and "woke me up".

"Hmm." I said groggily. I was still tired, I just wasn't sleeping.

"Time to wake up." He said. His voice gave me shivers. It was like he was an angel talking to me. (A/n MY EAR JUST STARTED HURTING REALLY BAD. HELP ME. Ok, you can continue.)

I got up and pulled my shirt off, revealing muscles that Gabe stared at for a second then looked away.

He blushed and kept his mouth closed tight.

I pulled the school uniform shirt on and took my pants off.

He glanced and quickly looked away. I smirked and pulled the pants on.

It looked terrible. It was a darker red but not quite blood red color. And it was too tight on my arms.

"This looks horrible." I said, he looked at me.

"It does." He chuckled, and stopped talking.

His laugh was adorable.
After school I went back up to the room and jumped on the top bunk. That was the most stressful first day ever.

I heard the door opening and sat up quickly.

It was Gabe. He threw his bag on the floor and looked at me.

"Stressful?" I asked.

"Very." He replied.

"Come here."

He climbed up by me and leaned against the wall.

He looked at me and I looked at him.

His bright green eyes were too perfect.

I grabbed his face to pull him into a kiss when there was a knock on the door.

Damn it.

It was another boy that I met in first period, gym.

I quickly pulled my hand away and jumped down on the bottom bunk and yelled for them to come in.

He is very sporty and very very gay. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me.

He wouldn't stop touching my arm. It was very awkward.

I don't like him. I like Gabe.

"Hey. There's some people having a party in their dorm tonight, want to come?" He asked.

I looked at Gabe who let out a breath and nodded.
I know I suck. I edited the major repeat, it's better now.

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