Gabe (10)

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A/N Hello there... Reading peeps? Oh well, some real shits about to go down in this chapter. (I AM SORRY BAILEY) I'd also like to state that Bailey freaked out about my last chapter, it was a bit humorous.

I can't believe he fucking looked through my stuff! That was a real dick move, he doesn't even know me! I looked at the clock beside the bed, 4 AM. Matt was softly snoring above me, I couldn't get the image of him and that guy out of my head.

I got up and threw on a pair of jeans and a black shirt, I stuffed my feet in my shoes and quietly left the dorm house. I regret not wearing a jacket,  I thought as I shivered from the cold. I noticed that another person had the same idea of sneaking off, I walked closer and noticed it was a girl. She had long wavy blond hair, grey eyes and she was only a little shorter than me, I'm 6 foot so she was probably around 5'9.

"Psst." I hissed when I drew closer, she jumped about 3 feet in the air.

"Please don't tell!" She begged her eyes round with fear.

"Why would I tell if I'm doing the same as you?" I chuckled.

She smiled at me, "I'm Haylee by the way." She reached out her hand. I grabbed her hand, "I'm Gabe." I said shaking it.

"Want to join me?" She winked, "I know a place that will sell us alcohol." She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. I swallowed thickly, I knew I shouldn't have but I nodded. She smiled again, the smile didn't reach her eyes. She started walking again, I quickly followed her. Her pace was fast but I easily kept up with her thanks to my long legs. She moved closer to me so her shoulder was brushing mine.


It only took us about 10 minutes of silence to get to the place, it looked like an abandoned building. "Umm. Haylee? are you sure this is safe." She looked at me as if I were stupid.

"Just come on and live a little." She snapped and grabbed my hand. Inside it was mostly abandoned other than 3 other people. "Hey Jojo, just give us a few beers." Haylee said to the man behind the bar.

"Sure thing babe." He said pushing two bottles towards us. Oh God, I remembered how terrible it tasted. I drank it anyway not wanting to seem scared, I mean I was scared, this was the first time I've ever done something like this. I got used to the taste after a few sips, my bottle was replaced with another one then quickly another one until I was a giggling mess.

"you know-" hiccup, "I've never-" Hiccup, "Done this before." I slurred. Haylee laughed at me, she was drunk too. "I noticed." She was a bit easier to understand than I was. I busted out laughing for some unknown reason. She looked at me weirdly then started laughing with me, at some point she leaned over and pressed her lips against mine.

She forced her tongue in my mouth, I kissed back for some reason. The rest of that night was filled with more kissing and drinks.


I woke up on some strange sofa. Where was I?!? I briefly thought before last night came crashing back. Haylee was curled into my side, I can't believe I did that! Then I remembered what Matt did and I didn't feel so guilty anymore. Maybe if I kept this girl around my parents would accept me.

She looked up me and smiled, "Morning babe." She said and kissed my mouth. I shot up and looked at the time on my phone, it wasn't morning, it was 5 PM, we missed school. She sat up and looked over my shoulder and began panicking too.

We grabbed our stuff and quickly dashed back to the school. We went to my dorm first, I opened the door to see Matt pacing around  the room.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!?" He stopped when he noticed Haylee behind me. He looked at me to her with wide eyes.

"I should go, see you later Babe." Haylee piped up sensing the tension. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. And just because I could I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed back. The kissed ended as soon as it started and she was out the door.

I turned to Matt with a smug smile on my face. "WHO THE FUCK WAS SHE?!?" He yelled at me.

"None of your damn business." I said calmly.


"YES I CAN! AND WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE!" I screamed back.

"B-BECAUSE I JUST DO!" He yelled getting in my face.


"I WILL!" He shrieked before running out the door slamming it on his way out.

I sat on my bed. What did I just do?

A/N Rawr XD

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