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A/N So we're back to our writing schedule, I hope. I'm sick again, fucking immune system, I'll probs sick half the year but who cares. I normally don't really self promote but can you check out my new story I'm writing on my main account(My accounts in our bio if you don't know) called "I'm Fine" 

Fuck! Why am I such an idiot?!? I mentally slapped myself. He probably hated me, but he flirted back. Does that mean he still liked me?

No, stop. Gabe, you're getting married in 2 weeks. I groaned, why did I have to get her pregnant? Why could I just be happy and cuddle with my boyfriend while binge watching anime or something?

I slowly got ready, my bones creaking in protest. I didn't want to go to school I just wanted to hide form the world, maybe I could call in sick. Not like anyone would notice my absence anyways. Matt will probably forget to show up, I wasn't a very memorable person. My mind was made up, I was staying.

I walked into the small bathroom and turned the shower on, I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the painfully hot spray.(I always turn my water all the way hot, I like to burn myself.)  I slowly scrubbed my aching body, I was tired. I haven't been able to sleep since I broke up with Matt, it wasn't the same without him here.

I stayed in there until the water ran cold, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the room, not bothering to get get dressed I collapsed into the small bottom bunk. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, shivering from the cold and my hair starting to curl into it's natural form.


"Gabe, where the fuck were you today?!?" I groggily looked up, my hair that was long overdo for a haircut falling into my face. In front of me stood a flustered Matt standing by the door.

"I've been here." I deadpanned sitting up, the blankets fell showing me only in my loose towel. Matt blushed and tried to look away as I stretched causing my towel to slide down.

"It's not like you've never seen someone in a towel, don't act so innocent." I chuckled and Matt blushed even brighter.

"U-u-um, y-you w-wanted t-to talk to m-me?" His voice was impossibly high and he shifted uncomfortably. He looked so cute when he was flustered.

"Oh.." My voice trailed off as I realized that we were alone and I was freaking naked. It's like God hated me or something. "Um.. Hi."

"Hi." His pupils were dilated and he took a step closer. Oh fuck, he was right in front of me.

"I've missed you." He said putting his hands on my shoulders, him being slightly taller because I was sitting.

"I've missed you too." My voice cracked and I shyly grabbed his hips. "How have you been holding up." I rubbed circles into his hips.

"Mhmm." he hummed as his eyes fell shut and leaned into my touch. In what seemed like slow motion we inched closer until our noses were touching.

"We shouldn't be doing this." my voice was verily over a whisper.

"I don't care." and with that he closed the gap. Our lips danced together gently at first, almost as if we didn't want to believe this was happening. Soon it grew more frantic and he was straddling my hips trying to press up against me.

"Matt, we should- you don't want this." I pulled slightly away.

"Please, Gabe?! I do!" He kissed and licked at my neck. A small moan escaped my lips and all logic flew out the window as I flipped us over so I was hovering over him. He looked up at me with his eyes that could put even the clearest sky to shame.

"I Love you Matt, I never stopped." Pushed his shirt over his head and attacked his neck.

"I-I- Oh god I love you too." He whimpered and pushed up against me trying to get even closer. I could feel his bulge growing beneath me, my hands slid down his body and stopped at his belt buckle and shakily undid it. I pushed his pants and boxers down in one swift motion and began kissing his thighs .

"Gaaabbbee." He whined and bucked into the air. I pulled way completely and reached over to the bedside dresser, Matt whined again confused but quickly shut up when he saw me pull out a condom and a bottle of lube.

"Why do you have that beside the bed." He smirked.

"I'm a teenage boy, Matt. Of course I keep it near." I rolled my eyes and he giggled. I squirted some of the lube on my fingers and rubbed it in a little so it wasn't so cold and slowly inserted a finger in Matt. He went rigid and I stopped and looked at him. "D-did I hurt you?" I stuttered out.

"N-no, I'm just not used to it. Go slow." I nodded and slowly began to move my finger inside him, he whined at first but began to enjoy it.

"G-Gabe, please. More." He moaned, I smiled and began to to push in a second finger. This went on for another few minutes; me scissoring him open and him begging for more. I didn't know I had the power to make Matt so submissive.

"Gabe, I'm ready!" He breathed out. I looked at him for a few seconds to make sure before I rolled on the condom and got more lube.

I slowly pushed in the head, I stroked his own erection trying to replace the pain with pleasure and kissed his collarbone. He bit his lip as I pushed in more until I bottomed out, I stopped to let him get used to my size. I stared at him waiting for him to tell me to move, after a minute he nodded his head and I pushed out and slowly thrust back in.

Matt was silent and had his eyes tightly shut, that was until I hit I assumed was his prostate. His eyes flew wide open and the loudest moan I've ever heard escaped his mouth and he thrusted his hips up to meet mine. That gave me a bit more confidence and I started to thrust harder, hitting his prostate every time.

Matt was a moaning blubbering mess and it only took a few more thrust until he was cumming all over our stomachs. His head flew back and his eyes shone a bright blue as the most beautiful sound came out of his lips. I continued to thrust into him until I was cumming inside him.

We're going to regret this in the morning. I thought as I collapsed beside him.

A/N I know it was bad but my head is pounding and I have 2 other things to write before tomorrow, one is for the story I mentioned and another is for a writing competition for my writing club thing, I might put that short story on my school Wattpad account TwistandShout1967  (And I just fucking spat all over my screen, fucking coughing.)  Can any of you draw? I can't draw for shit. Or do you guys have any talents that you're proud of? I'm a talentless fuck.

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