Matt (13)

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That's Jaxon, and I'm really proud of Serenity not making a depressing chapter last chapter. Good job.
I mostly hang out with Jaxon, I sleep in my dorm and after school I normally go to his dorm.

We play video games, make out, and talk, that's about it.
I still get woken up by Gabe, I think it's really nice that he wakes me up even though we are fighting. I still have a huge crush on him.

Me and Jaxon have went on a few more dates, he is really sweet.

I got shaken awake by Gabe, as per usual.

"What do you want?" I asked groggily. It was a Saturday, why was he trying to wake me up. I looked at the clock, it was almost 12 o'clock. I was still tired.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I was an asshole. I shouldn't have made you worry. Can we at least be friends?" He asked. He bit his lip after he said that he shouldn't have made me worry. It was cute.

I looked away for a moment. "Yeah. But we don't really know much about each other. Come sit up here and tell me about yourself." I said.

He climbed up beside me and relaxed as soon as his back hit the wall.

"Well, I don't have much to say." He said.

"Well you can start off on your birthday and who that little girl in that picture is." I said. He smiled.

"Today's actually my birthday." He scratched his neck. "And, that's my little sister, Emma-" he was stopped by a loud knock on the door.

He jumped off and opened the door.

There was a lady, around my mothers age, and Emma, the little girl in the picture.

M-mom? w-what are you doing here?" He stuttered.

"Emma wanted to stay the night with her big brother, I asked the principal and he said yes." She said fast before she basically threw Emma at Gabe.

"GABE!" She screamed making me wince slightly, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She started kissing all over his face, and saying "I's missed you." She had very improper grammar, but, she's three, I won't get upset over it.

I slightly wished I was the child because she got to kiss all over Gabes face and say "I've missed you", over and over, I've been wanting to say and do that for the past week.

After they were done, Emma noticed me.

"Who dat?" She asked, pointing to me.

"That's Matt, my roommate." Gabe said.

She looked at me like I was a god or something. I jumped off of the bed and crouched next to her.

"Hi, you must be Emma." I said and shook her extremely small hand with my large one.

She launched into my arms and my eyes immediately widened. I've never had a child hug me before.

Gabe, that evil son of a bitch, laughed.

"Come on Em," he peeled her off of me. "Want to go to the park?" She nodded excitedly.

"Can we get ice cream after?" She asked eagerly.

"Anything for you." Gabe said, he ruffled her hair.

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