Gabe (12)

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A/N Hey... Buddy's? I just got the living shit scared out of me because I got a call from ColorfulKiller demanding me to write more, the part that scared me was that no one ever calls so when my phone started ringing I jumped (and fell off my bed). I'd also like to state I only have 10 contacts in my phone. Yeah I'm that popular.

It had been few days since me and Matt fought and we've barely seen each other. Today was now Saturday, and my 17th birthday. I've spent most of my free time spent with Haylee, we were more friends than anything else.

I stood up from bed and shook a sleeping Matt awake, we may of had some falling out but that tradition stayed the same. it was almost 12 in the afternoon, and I wanted to talk to him.

"What do you want?" He asked groggily.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I was an asshole. I shouldn't have made you worry." I said biting my lip, "Can we at least be friends?"

He looked far away for a moment, "Yeah. But we don't really know much about each other. Come sit up here and tell me about yourself." I crawled up and sat beside him, I was glad we could at least be friends.

"Well, I don't have much to say." I looked down.

"You can start off on something easy, like your birthday and who that little girl in the picture is." I smiled at the mention of Emma.

"Today's actually my birthday." I scratched the back of my neck, "And that's my little sister Emma-" I was cut off by someone knocking on the door. I hopped up and answered the door, outside stood my mom and Emma.

"M-Mom. w-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Emma wanted to spend the night with her big brother, I asked the principle if it was okay and he said yes." She said hurriedly before she thrusted(Don't think inappropriate thoughts people) Emma in my arms and walking away, of course she didn't want to see me.

"GABE!" Emma yelled wrapping her small arms around my neck and kissing all over my face, "I's missed you."

I smiled down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I've missed you too." I put her down and took her bag from her.

"Who dat?" She pointed at Matt who had been quiet this whole time. "That's Matt, my roommate." I told her, she looked up at him in wonderment. He jumped down and crouched down next to her.

"Hi, you must be Emma." He said shaking her small hand, she nodded eagerly before launching herself at him. I laughed at how adorable it looked, Matt looked completely shocked like he had never been this close to a child.

"Come on Em." I pulled her off Matt, "Want to go to the park?" She nodded enthusiastically.

"Can we get ice cream after?" She said a little to eager.

"Anything for you." I ruffled her hair.

"Matt come?" I looked over at Matt, he looked incredibly scared she suggested that.

"Only if he wants too." She looked at him expectantly.

"I-I don't know-" he stopped when he saw her big puppy dog eyes and instantly gave on. "Okay, I'll come. Just let me get ready."


We were walking to the park 3 blocks away from the school, Emma was on my back claiming she couldn't walk and chirping about preschool, I would sometime reply with a 'oh really' or a 'that's cool.' Matt was silent, he would glance at us every so often and smile.

When we got there Emma got off my back and ran to the swings, "Gabe, look how I can go!" She yelled.

"That's awesome! Just be careful!" I called out to her and sat on the bench next to Matt. "You really love her. Don't you?" I heard him say.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I do." I said watching her swing. We watched her run from the swings to the slides and back for about 30 minutes before she came running up to me.

"Gabe, can we get ice cream now?" I got up and started to lift her up on my back, "No, I want Matt to carry me!" Matt looked up startled but lifted her up anyway. We walked the short distance to the ice cream place, Matt and Em both got a plain chocolate cone and I got a Vanilla. After I paid, after arguing Matt about me paying, we sat down at a table outside.

Both Matt and Emma had chocolate dribbling down their chins, I laughed at them and leaned over to wipe off Emma. My laughter was short lived when Emma asked, "Why is Mommy and Daddy always fighting? Mommy's always sad and Daddy's always mad."

I froze, "B-b-because I-I messed up." Emma looked like that was a reasonable answer, Matt looked concerned.

"Let's go home, it's getting dark."


After a short dinner me and Emma went to sleep, Emma curled up on my chest. I remember Matt climbing on his bunk with a sigh before I blacked out.

A/N I guess this was a filler chapter... I don't really have much to add.

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