Matthew is the rebellious type. He was kicked out of his house and sent to a Catholic school to 'pray the gay away' by his mother. He's done quite the opposite, he's very open in his sexuality, girls and boys alike swoon over him. He's one of the mo...
Help me. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I've been watching the 100 layers videos all day and Serenity (that asshole) went away for a week so we are sorry for not going to be able to write for a while *coughs* thanks to Serenity. *coughs* she forgot her laptop charger and she refuses to write on her phone. (I don't see why, that's what I do😂😂) but I'm a fucking idiot and I don't see how anyone can love me because I decided I'd try to be cool and jump into the pool at my friends birthday party. But noooooo I can't be cool and I landed on my back and I'll just show you the picture.
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This was about 10 minutes after I did it, but it was even more bright red and nasty and those white lines are where my hair was. And two of the people at the party slapped my back right after I got out of the pool. I hate myself. I'm a fucking idiot😂😂. I was under water and I could hear everyone gasp, it was loud and it hurt and I was as straight as a board, so my back took the most force first. I am a disappointment to my family and my boyfriend and everyone and I'll leave now, so goodbye.