Gabe (14)

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A/N You guys are going to fucking hate me, Bailey already does. She had a plan for them and now I'm changing it. I'm a bitch, my excuse is that it adds drama. That's Haylee by the way.

Matt sat me and asked, "Are you okay?" I lied and told him I was fine.

"No, you're not. Tell me what's wrong." He was having none of the 'I'm fine.'

"Can we please talk about this later? I'm a little mad and I don't want to fight in front of Emma."

He looked at me as if he was trying to solve an unsolvable riddle, his eyes had bags under them and his blond hair was falling in his face. He looked adorable, I looked at his lips, they were swelled up from kissing that guy. I was angry again.

He nodded his head in understanding, I got up to find Em asleep on the top bunk. I picked her up and moved her to my bed. Matt shut of the light and climbed back up on the top bunk. I still couldn't believe he kissed that guy in front of my sister!

I waited about 15 or so minutes to make sure he was asleep before I kissed Emma's forehead and murmured a 'good night' and slipped out the door hoping he wouldn't hear me. I would be back in about an hour or two I just had to get a little revenge and blow off some steam.


I was stood out Haylee's door, I knew this was wrong but I didn't care. I tapped on the door, she opened the door. She was wearing only a long shirt and lacy underwear.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked sleepily.

"Is your roommate here." I cut in.

"No, she's with her boyfriend." Her voice became flirty by the end and she had a gleam in her eyes.

"Good." I said before thinking I pushed in and shut the door. I pulled her into me shoving my tongue in her mouth, she moaned and wrapped her arms around me. What are you doing? You shouldn't take advantage of people like that! A voice in the back of my head said urgently. I ignored it, I lifted her up and gripped her thighs.

We collapsed on the bed, me landing on top of her. "You have no idea how long I was waiting for you to do this, if you waited anymore I'd have probably have left you." She laughed. I didn't care wht she was saying, I attacked her neck with my teeth. She scratched the back of my neck and bucked her hips. I pulled my shirt over my head and moved so I was straddling her hips, I looked down at her but the only face I had in mind was Matt's.

I yanked her shirt off, I pulled her hair in the process a little and apologized profusely. She just laughed at my awkwardness. I gently moved over the dainty material of her panties and rubbed against her clit with my fingers.

"GAH!" She bucked her hips again. This is gross. I felt repulsed at myself for using her like this. I pushed in one finger and then another. She yanked at my sweat pants, I took them off the pulled her underwear of completely. I froze, I had no idea what to do.

"This is your first time, isn't?" She sounded amused. I didn't find it funny at all, She flipped us over so that she was on top. She winked at me as she slowly lowered herself down on me, she stopped a few times to adjust to the size.

She bottomed out on me and stopped completely. I looked up at her as if she was crazy, she started moving up again, ever so slowly.

She dropped back down and repeated the cycle. She was getting faster and I felt like I was going to explode, she had her head tilted up and was making little noises. To most me she would have been beautiful but I couldn't get Matt's face out of my head. She was going impossibly fast, I couldn't take it. I started to cum in her, she continued riding me for a minute or two before she found her release.

She collapsed next to me and rolled over pulling the blanket over her. I soon heard little snores coming from her, I looked over at her. I felt guilty, I got up and dressed as quietly as I could, I found a pen and paper and scribbled that I'll see her tomorrow.


Back in my room I saw that Emma was still sound asleep, but Matt was not in his bunk. I heard running water coming from the bathroom and sighed. I slide into bed beside Emma.

I was disgusted with myself, I heard the bathroom door open and pretended I was asleep.

A/N Don't kill me! Bailey probably will for you. Notice what Gabe forgot to put on.

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