4 More hospital

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Soon the boys were in Stan's car. His dad, Randy, was taking them to the hospital. When they arrived, the boys jumped out of the car.

"I'll pick you up at five, right?" Randy sais to Stan.

Stan nodded and walked inside with the other boys.

"How are we gonna find him?" Stan asked Kyle.

"D-don't know..." Kyle said quietly. Stan saw tears in his eyes.

"Kyle? Kenny's alive. He is somewhere here, not at the morgue or cemetery or anything." Stan put his arm on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I know... I know. It just makes me feel sad to think that he even... tried it... or wanted to die." Kyle dried his eyes.

"Suck it up, guys, we're seeing him soon.  He must be somewhere around here, let's go this way." Cartman suggested.

It only took a few moments of walking around the hallways to find the right room. Room number thirteen, McCormick.

"Is it this one?" Cartman asks.

"It has the same number... and Kenny's name is on that sign right there." Kyle said.

Stan decided to knock. The nurse answered the door.

"Hi... we are Kenny's friends. We were told... that, uh, we could come see him. Can we?" Stan asked.

"Sure, I guess a quick visit could do." the nurse said and let the boys in. There Kenny was. He was lying on his bed with a hospital gown on, staring at the ceiling with dull eyes.

"You've got some visitors, Kenny!"

"K-Kenny... Hi." Kyle said to get Kenny's attention.

"...hi." Kenny sat up and greeted his friends nervously.

"I'll leave you boys alone for a second, okay? Just watch over Kenny and make sure he stays calm and doesn't try to harm himself. I'll be right outside the door." the nurse said.

As soon as the nurse left, Kenny tried to do something to the atmosphere. More questions about his suicide attempt were the last thing he needed at the moment.

"Hey, I'm so happy to see you guys!" Kenny said with a smile on his face.

"We're happy to see you too.. or, well, we weren't happy to hear about what you did. But now we're glad you're alive and well." Stan said.

All the three boys were standing next to Kenny's bed. Kenny could feel them staring at his injuries, the bandage on his arm and the red mark on his neck. He bit his lip and hid his arm under the blanket since he obviously wasn't allowed to wear long sleeves at the hospital. But Kyle pulled the blanket down, grabbing his hand.

"Kenny? What is this?" Kyle asked firmly.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I've been doing." Kenny tried to brush it off. He didn't want attention on his cuts, he would've rather just completely ignored their presence.

"Why?" Kyle continued.

"I tried... to stay alive."

"Stay alive by hurting yourself? W-why? You have friends, dude. You could've told us." Stan said.

"These are my issues. I can deal with them by myself." Kenny muttered.

"You couldn't. That's why you're here." Cartman, who hadn't said anything during the visit yet, said.

"Oh yeah, you definitely made me feel much better!" Kenny raised his voice a bit.

"I'm sorry, Kenny! There, I said it. I'm sorry." Cartman tried to calm him down.

"By the way, when are you coming home?" Kyle changed the subject.

"Not sure when they'll let me... but they said that I won't be here for more than a week. I mean, if everything is okay by then." Kenny said, still glaring at Cartman.

"We believe in you, Kenny. Can't wait to have you back home again." Stan tried to cheer him up.

"We'll just see how long it takes for my injuries to heal... I'm just a huge fucking fuck-up in general." Kenny muttered.

"No, you're not." Kyle denied.

"Yes, I am. Can't you see?"

"Shh, dude. You're not fucked up. You're just kind of..." Stan started before being interrupted.

"I'm fine, okay? I just suck at killing myself and now I'm stuck in here."

The other boys didn't mention that Kenny actually needed help and fast even though Kenny himself obviously didn't want to admit it.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now