18. Recovery, attempt #2

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Kenny had made up his mind. This time he'll recover. Maybe it's just a good day.. but at least now he's motivated.

He hadn't had suicidal thoughts for a while, he also hadn't harmed himself.. at least badly. Not counting the times he scratched his arms, they didn't bleed and the marks would fade away quickly.

Kenny knew he would have to get clean for good. He was still tempted to cut, but instead of getting rid of his blades and knives he tried to come up with alternatives. He had started to carry a rubber band around. Whenever he wanted to harm himself he'd snap the rubber band against his wrist. It worked. It hurt too, but it was still something he didn't count as self-harm.

One of Kenny's goals was to get rid of the constant therapy visits. They were supposed to help, but instead they just made him anxious. Talking about his problems just didn't really do the trick.

His medicine taking was going fine too. Mostly because after Kenny's overdose his mother started keeping a closer eye on him. Making sure he'd take his pills, not taking too little or too much. Now Kenny wasn't even allowed to keep his door shut anymore. It was supposed to prevent him from cutting. Kenny knew he could still cut, even with the door open, but also knew he shouldn't.

At this point, Kenny was pretty okay. He tried his best to recover.. we'll just see how long he'll stay motivated.

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