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The next day all of his four friends came to visit. Kenny was of course happy to see them.. but not so happy about the things he had to explain. Why did he attempt suicide, what was the thing he promised to tell and maybe why he cut again if they noticed something else than the vertical, stitched ones. He was laying on his bed facing the wall until he heard keys on the door. Kenny had no idea he was locked in there, guess they started doing that again. He sat up and turned his head to the door.

"Ready for visitors?"

The familiar voice of the nurse. Kenny nodded and hid his arms under the blanket before his friends walked in.

"Hey, Kenny." Kyle started the conversation.

"Hi." he responded.

"H-how are you doing?" Cartman asked.

"Uhh.. I'm okay."

"Hope I'm not making you feel like crap by bringing this up.. but.. why did you do this again?" Stan asked.

"No, it's alright." Kenny started, trying to avoid answering the question. But after seeing the others' stares he had to continue. "I didn't want you guys to know I cut again. I mean, if I would have made it.. I wouldn't have been here when you find out and get disappointed."

"We're not disappointed, we're worried. And glad you failed." Craig said, "you can show your arms. We won't judge."

Craig had noticed how Kenny kept his arms hidden under the blanket. He did as told, putting his hands on his knees on the blanket.

"R-remember the thing I told you about yesterday?" Kenny asked Craig.

"Yeah. What is it?"

Even though no one had asked him about it, he thought they'd like to know anyways. Otherwise Kenny would just disappear from them.

"I'm getting out of here today.." he started, until Cartman interrupted him.

"You sure it's a good idea?" he asked, in all honesty.

"I didn't say I'm getting home. Just out of the hospital.. to the psych ward." Kenny got to finish.

"A-at least you'll get help." Stan said.

"I know.. I'd just rather stay home. I'll be fine. I don't need so much help."

"We just.. want you to stay alive. You don't deserve to be harmed, not even by yourself." Craig tried to explain.

"And we all know that it's not going to happen without help. Or.. control with your meds." Kyle said.

After all they did convince Kenny that it wasn't such a bad thing to get help. They talked for an hour or so before Kenny's friends had to leave. After that Kenny had a check-up before leaving the hospital, even though there was still some time until it was happening. He obviously spent the remaining time curled up in his bed and calling his parents about what they would bring him.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now