And give me all your pills

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"Let's go to my room. I don't think that's against the rules or anything." Damien suggested.

Two antisocial kids getting the opportunity to get away from other people? Of course they went to Damien's room. Kenny sat on his bed next to him and looked around.

"I'm pretty sure yours is exactly alike." Damien chuckled.

"Oh, you get to make a mess and do anything you want as well. The best part about not having a roomie." Kenny said.

"True. Except for the room checks when they want me to tidy up."

"Fuck room checks. Last time they found my blades and told me off even though they were in the trash can." Kenny said.

"You sneaked in blades?"

"No.. I mean, I had them in the pockets of my hoodie. I wasn't allowed to wear long sleeves so they took it away... but when I got it back the blades were still there. I just tried to throw them away!" Kenny explained.

"Thank god they haven't found.. uhh nevermind." Damien started.

"What? What did you sneak in?" Kenny asked.


"Well.. what are you hiding?" he insisted.

"Kenny.. can I trust you?"

"What? Of course!"

"Like, really trust? You promise not to tell anyone even if you got worried?"  Damien asked hesitating.

Kenny thought about it. What if it was something serious? After he finally agreed, Damien reached his hand between the bed frame and the mattress. He pulled out a plastic bag about halfway full of pills.

"I've been hiding pills ever since I got here. Just a part of the dose so they'll see the effect on me. At first I thought I'd collect them for a while and then take them all at once... but I haven't done it yet."

Kenny looked at him. He didn't know what to say, should he comfort him, take the pills away or maybe tell him not to kill himself, start listing the reasons to live? Definetly not the last one, that didn't seem like a thing to do for someone who has a past of three failed suicide attempts.
Maybe he should break the promise and tell someone? No.

"Don't do it." Kenny said.

"Why, though?"

"I'm not good at listing reasons to live, you know that! Just.. give them to me."

"You know what else I know? One of your attempts was with pills." Damien pointed out.

"First of all, it was an accident, and second of all.. I'd just keep them hidden from you."

"I can control myself enough not to kill myself." Damien tried to convince him.

"...remember when you hoped I wouldn't get out so you wouldn't be alone? Think about what would happen if you died. I'd be the one left alone. I'd blame myself for not taking them away to the point where I'd end up joining you!"

"....fine." Damien sighed and tossed the bag in the trash, covering it so no one could see it.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now