Capitulo Sin Nombre

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"The antisocial one has left his room." Damien grinned as Kenny finally showed up in the day room.

"The antisocial one had a visitor." Kenny corrected.

Damien gasped ironically, playing surprised.

"So... are you okay? Did they try to push you to recover faster again?" he asked.

"Not bad. He's learning."

Damien looked down, secretly hoping Kenny wouldn't want to go back home to his old friends. He wanted to be the only one. Kenny already knew him well enough to see that he wasn't okay.

"Damien, I'm not leaving you."

"But you're doing so much better than me, you have friends on the outside.."

"Think about it. Why did you come here? Anxiety and panic attacks. How much of them have you had lately?"

"I haven't had a proper panic attack in weeks.. and I haven't been too anxious lately. But they changed my medications, so..."

"Pills? You've been hiding the majority of your doses, they haven't done anything to you. I know it sounds weird, but you're getting better. You just keep denying it."

The thought of recovery did indeed sound weird and scary, to both of them. The ward already felt like a home to Damien, he had gotten used to it.

"I have therapy today.. I could bring that up." Damien said, "not the pill hiding part. The part about getting better."

Kenny smiled. He and his dark thoughts rarely did anything even slightly good.

"Yeah, don't bring the pills up. Don't tell your therapist or dig them up from the trash can." Kenny said.

"I won't take them, trust me!"

"Oh, that's not what I'm worried about. Being dead is easy, I just don't want you to get caught during a room check." Kenny didn't keep a straight face for long before cracking up, "just kidding, I do care about you!"

"Back at it with the dark jokes, huh?"

"You know I'm gay for dark jokes."

Not the only thing he'd go gay for....

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now