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It felt so weird. Walking out of the doors of the hospital with a bag in his hand. Getting into the car with his parents...

Wait, what's going on? Had Kenny fully recovered? Was he going home for good? No.

His doctor had allowed him to go on a leave for the weekend. Seeing his friends outside the ward could help him. He was sitting on the back seat of the car, texting his best friend.

Kenny: omw home :)
Craig: Can't wait to see you!!
Kenny: S A M E

The ride home didn't last long. As they pulled up on the driveway, Kenny realised something. He hadn't been home since his last suicide attempt. He didn't get to go home after waking up. He went straight to the psych ward. Walking through the front door felt strange... and stressful. What if my floor is still all bloody? What if they left the knife there, what if I relapse again? What if....

His room was the same. Not like he had left it, though. It looked the way it was supposed to.

"How does it feel like to be back?" his mother asked.

"You've... cleaned up." Kenny chuckled. Bet the blood was a bitch to get off the floor, he would've added if the person he was talking to was someone not so worried about his habits.

The first thing he did was open the dresser drawer and check his sharp object stash. Nothing. He had left the last knife he hadn't given away on the floor before leaving the house unconscious, and of course his parents wouldn't have put it back or even let him keep it, "here you go, have your wrist slitting knife back"?He was kind of happy, no urge to cut with nothing to cut with around. No chances to relapse. But before anything else, he wanted to properly see his friends.

Kenny: guess what? home.
Craig: Should I come over? Or do you want to come here?
Kenny: ill be there in 20

In reality it took him way less than 20 minutes to get to Craig's house. Craig couldn't have been happier to see Kenny in his regular orange hoodie again, outside any hospitals.

"I missed you." he whispered as he was squeezing Kenny into a tight hug.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now