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Kenny woke up at the hospital. He didn't know what they had done to him, he wasn't told. But he sure knew why he was there.

Once Kenny had woken up, he had to drink some charcoal. He also had to tell the doctors what he had overdosed. The reason why apparently wasn't relevant yet, they told him that he would tell why to the therapist he would be seeing later. Next Kenny got to see his parents.

His parents walked in. He sees his mom teary-eyed and his dad comforting her.

"Kenny... I thought you got better." Carol cried.

"I did! I did get better!" Kenny denied.

Should he tell the truth? He couldn't let them think he tried to kill himself again, because he definetly didn't. Of course he could tell he just tried to take his pills.. but they wouldn't like the fact he forgot... or just didn't want to take them. The truth was, he didn't try to kill himself. He overdosed accidentally. He was just trying to take the pills he skipped, all at once. Kenny didn't know this would happen. Or, he just forgot to think about the results.

"Then why?" his dad, Stuart, asked.

Kenny looked away and took a deep breath. His parents would deserve to hear the truth. He would have to tell it to the therapist anyways.

"I... I kinda forgot to take my meds... And tried ... to take them all at once..." Kenny muttered.

"Kenny, dear, I reminded you!"

Kenny just remained silent. His parents wouldn't like if he said he didn't want to take his medication.

"Hey, by the way, Craig is on his way here. You'd be happy to see him, right?" Stuart tried to cheer him up.

"Y-yeah." Kenny faked a smile.

He would be happy to see Craig. But Kenny was also scared. Scared of his reaction. What would Craig say? Craig thought he was better. How would Kenny tell him? Craig would be so disappointed.

Soon it was time for Kenny's parents to go. They stayed right behind the door for a moment, talking with Kenny's doctor. Kenny overheard some of their conversations. Apparently he was going to stay overnight... he also heard something about the psych ward. Was he going there?

Suddenly the door opened. It was Kenny's doctor.

"So, Kenny. How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Kenny just replied.

"So, I just talked with your parents and we'd like to keep you here at least overnight. That's okay with you, right?"

Kenny nodded. He was expecting the doctor to talk about the psych ward, but he just told Kenny to come with him. Kenny really wished he misheard, wished he would just get home and it all would be there.

Kenny was taken to see his therapist.

"So, you apparently tried to overdose."

"I... I didn't mean to. It was an accident." Kenny tried to explain. "I kinda forgot to take my meds. Or, well... I just didn't feel like taking them."

Kenny didn't want to talk about what he has done and why. But he knew they wouldn't let him home, at least permanently, if he refused to talk. He had already done it the last time he was at the hospital, but it didn't work.

"How do you overdose by accident?" the therapist asked.

Should he tell about Craig? How he motivates him? Well, maybe Kenny could mention him. He felt like half of the staff already knew him, since he would be visiting Kenny all the time.

"I did take half a dose once. But after that... I didn't want to. I realized my friend would be really upset if he knew. So I kind of... took them all at once." Kenny said.

He was really uncomfortable, but he knew it would be over faster if he just told everything.

"Is this friend the same you told me about earlier?"

"Yeah, the one who visited me every day last time I was here."

They talked a while about how it was good for Kenny to have a friend to motivate and support. Then came the part Kenny knew was gonna come.

"So, Kenny... We have a place open at the psych ward.." the therapist started.

She saw that Kenny started looking scared.

"Don't worry, we're not forcing you to go there. If you feel like you want there, we can talk about it and if I think you'd need help, I can sign you in." she said.

"I... I think I just want home." Kenny shook his head.

"Well, that's okay. But if you get worse, we'll consider singning you in. Now, when you did not overdose for suicidal reasons, you could go home tomorrow. As you might have heard, we'll keep you here overnight, just in case. Such dose of antidepressants can cause side effects." she told.

"Yeah, I understand..."

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now