Hugs gimme hugs

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The place that made Kenny feel happy and anxious at the same time- the visiting room. It reminded him of all the prison shows he had seen when some serial killer had to talk to their visitor through a phone with a thick glass between them. Exept for the fact that this was a mental hospital, not a prison. And that he was just an ordinary, mentally not-so-healthy kid instead of a serial killer. And there was nothing between him and his visitor.

The sound of the door being opened distracted him from his thoughts. There he was- Craig Tucker.

It didn't take long for the two to squish each other into tight hugs.

"How's life?" Craig started the conversation as soon as Kenny let him breathe again.

"...not so bad? How are you and the guys at school?"

"They're alright... and so am I, I think." Craig said.

There was a short moment of silence before Craig broke it again.

"I know you hate how I keep pushing you to get better and I don't want you to feel like I'm guilt tripping you or rushing your recovery..."

"Craig... what's wrong?"

Of course Craig wanted him to get better and everything.. but a selfish thought crossed his mind. He wanted Kenny to come home so he'd get everything back to normal. He wanted to hang out with him at school and after it too, to be able to say "he's probably late" instead of "I hope he didn't try to kill himself again" when Kenny wasn't on the bus...

"It just still feels weird not having you around all the time. It's been weeks, I should be used to this..." Craig said.

"Don't you have Tweek and the rest of your gang? You still have friends, right? You better not do anything stupid to end up here with me!"

"You know what, don't worry about me. I have friends and I'm fine, how are you?"

Friends. As if that was the most Craig wanted Kenny to be. As if he didn't end the visit an hour later with a casual "take care, love you", a part of him hoping Kenny didn't think of it as anything and the other part praying he would get it.

Two bros hugging on the psych ward zero feet apart because they're already pretty gay.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now