Craig's visit

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Craig arrives to the hospital. He remembers Kyle telling him where Kenny would be. He walks around, trying to find the right place.

"This should be the right ward... now I just gotta find his room." Craig thought.

Soon he found it. He tried to open the door, but it was locked so he knocked. A nurse opened the door.

"Um... hello. I'm here to see Kenny... I mean Kenneth McCormick. I'm Craig Tucker, his friend." Craig explained.

"Come on in. He doesn't really talk with strangers around, so I'll just leave you two alone." the nurse said, let Craig in and closed the door behind her.

"Kenny?" Craig called.

What? Could it be... Kenny had been waiting for Craig ever since he first woke up.

"Craig!" Kenny smiles brightly.

But Craig is not that happy. He walks over to his bed and sits on it.

"Kenny, why?" Craig asks.

Kenny's smile disappears and he looks down.

"I'm sorry, Craig... I.. I really tried but I just couldn't take all that anymore." Kenny says.

Craig just gets closer to Kenny and hugs him tightly. As he lets go, Kenny quickly pulls his blanket over his left arm. Craig tries to pull the blanket off, but Kenny won't let go.

"Kenny?" Craig asks and grabs Kenny's arm.

Kenny looks down and lets Craig see his arm.

"Sorry... I'm sorry, Craig.... really sorry..." Kenny sobs, avoiding his look.

"It's okay, Kenny. It's okay. I understand." Craig said.

"No, I mean... sorry for not telling you. I've... I've done this for quite a while and... never told you... I was scared, scared of what you would've said..." Kenny sobbed, as tears rolled down his face.

"No need to be scared. I'm not judging you for this. I understand, it's okay. All I want to do is to help you." Craig said.

"I just didn't want you to know how weak I am... but now you know." Kenny muttered, still avoiding Craig's look. He was ashamed of his scars, of his weakness.

Craig lifted Kenny's head, so he would look at him.

"Kenny. Look at me. You are not weak. You're strong. Strong enough to stop. I refuse to just watch you ruin your life. Stop. Don't cut, Kenny. Promise me." Craig said firmly.

Kenny hesitated for a moment. Would he be able to do it? Could he promise? He didn't want to disappoint Craig by cutting again.

"I... I promise." Kenny decided.

Craig smiled. He wasn't sure if Kenny could keep his promise, but he was sure he would try.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. It's the same nurse as earlier.

"Sorry to interrupt, but the doctor would like to take a look at you, Kenny." she said.

Kenny got up. Craig looked at him, not knowing should he follow him or not.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come with him. Just wait here, it won't take long." the nurse said, as he lead Kenny out of the door.

Craig sat on Kenny's bed, waiting for him to return. Soon he did. The nurse walked him to his bed and walked out.

"Well, how was it?" Craig asked.

"The usual, checked my neck and scars. And I got some sedative, as always. Damn, that thing messed me up. They said it could affect a little stronger than it actually is, but I could barely stand!" Kenny said.

"What do you need sedative for?" Craig asked.

"They just pump me up with sedatives until I'm tired enough to not hurt myself. But damn, how could I hurt myself when I can barely stand? They won't even leave me here without a nurse if I'm not sedated." Kenny complained.

"You don't need meds to stop you from cutting, right?" Craig made sure.

"I think I don't." Kenny said.

Kenny tried to get up, but he had to lean to his bed so he wouldn't fall down. Craig lifted him back to bed.

"Just rest, dude." Craig said.

"I was just... would you give me my jacket?" Kenny pointed at the table with his own clothes on it.

Craig reached for the jacket and gave it to Kenny. Kenny started digging one of the pockets. Finally he found what he was looking for. He handed Craig a razor blade.

"Take it. Don't ever give it back. No matter how much I ask for it, don't let me have it." Kenny said.

"You won't ever get this back." Craig promised.

"Don't use it yourself. Please. Keep it, or get rid of it. The point is, keep it away from me. Please." Kenny continued.

"Don't worry. I won't use it myself, and you can be sure that you will never be able to touch this." Craig said.

After some more talking, it was time for Craig to leave.

"You... you'll come tomorrow?" Kenny asked shyly.

"Yeah, of course." Craig promised.

He hugged Kenny once more before leaving. Craig felt kind of bad for leaving him there, but he knew he would be fine.
Kenny hated being left alone. It was the second time today. But the thought of seeing Craig again soon made him slightly happier.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now