12. Bitter pills

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Kenny's first week at school after his suicide attempt had gone pretty well, he caught the others up fast. He had also gotten his wrists checked daily by Craig. Pretty much no urges to cut.

It was Friday. The day Kenny had been looking forward to. Craig finally had time to hang out and would be coming over later that day.

Luckily the schoolday didn't feel that long after all, it was soon over and weekend could begin. Kenny went home and straight into his room. He realized his room was the biggest mess anyone had ever seen. He needed to tidy up a bit. Kenny started shoving his stuff into the dresser drawers... until his hand touched something metallic and sharp. He pulled it out, it was his knife.

"Oh, hey, my old friend. Have you missed me?" Kenny whispered.

Suddenly he freezes and drops the knife. Why is he talking to inanimate object? And why is he thinking about such a thing? Has he... has he taken his medication? Kenny picks up the bottle of pills. He realises he hasn't taken any pills since Monday, which was just a half dose. He never took the extra pills he said he would. Craig would be disappointed if he found out Kenny isn't taking his medication.

Disappointing Craig was the last thing Kenny wanted to do. He tried to count how many pills he had skipped, but then just ditched the math and poured a random amount of pills on his palm.

"Craig will be proud of me... he will be happier when he hears I've taken my medicine... I'm recovering." Kenny kept talking to himself.

Kenny looked at the handful of pills. He hesitated for a moment, but then thought about Craig again and poured the pills down his throat.

Too much pills at once. Kenny couldn't swallow them, he needed water and fast, or else he would probably choke on the pills. He didn't want to die... not by choking on the pills nor overdosing. He just wasn't aware he was doing the second one.

He ran to the bathroom to get some water. As soon as he got them down, which wasn't exactly a piece of cake, he started feeling really dizzy. Kenny tried to return to his room, the dizziness would probably go away by resting... His vision was getting blurry. He fell down to the ground, still conscious, but not seeing anything. Kenny tried to crawl to his room. He didn't want to call for help even though his family was home, they would just take him somewhere. And Kenny couldn't tell them he had taken a handful of pills. Kenny could barely crawl out of the bathroom, until he lost his consciousness.

Not long until his mother found him. Laying on his face on the floor, but still breathing. Kenny was rushed to the hospital right away.

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