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It was true, the only thing Kenny had to do during the first two days was to eat and take his pills. The rest of the days he spent sleeping in his room. He would steal the pillows and blankets from the other bed so he'd be more comfortable and also because he knew there was nothing stopping him from doing that. He could also switch beds if he wanted to. Kenny wished he wouldn't ever get a roommate.

Two days of sleeping and eating, this place wasn't so bad after all. That's what Kenny thought before the third day rolled around. Now he was told to go out of his room. He was taken to a big room where he could do all kinds of things. There was books, coloring books and paper, a TV.. and other patients. Suddenly Kenny felt really anxious again, surrounded by strangers. He decided to sit behind the couch. There wasn't much space between the couch and the wall, but Kenny fit there and it was a great way to isolate from everyone else.

He spent about twenty minutes hiding until a boy in all-black clothes stepped closer and kneeled to his level.

"Are you new here?" the boy asked.

Kenny just nodded.

"I thought so. Haven't seen you earlier."

He grabbed Kenny's hand and pulled it gently. "Why wouldn't you come out? We could talk better if you weren't behind the couch."

Kenny didn't resist, he let the boy pull him out. The two of them sat on the floor, next to Kenny's hiding spot.

"You don't talk much. My name's Damien." the boy introduced himself.

"I'm.. Kenny." Kenny said.

"Kenny. When did you come here?"

"T-two days ago."

"Did you sit in there for two days, is that why I haven't seen you around?" Damien grinned.

"No.. I was just, sleeping in my room."

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot that they let you do that, it's been so long since I got here."

"H-how long?" Kenny asked.

"A few months.. I've gotten used to it." Damien said.

"Oh. I haven't even been that long but I'm still super anxious."

"I'm anxious too. In fact, I first came here because my anxiety kinda got out of control.. then I began having panic attacks.. and I'm still here." Damien told. "Hope it isn't too sensitive subject or anything.. why are you here?"

Kenny stayed silent for a second. Could he trust this boy? He was so nice and open to Kenny, though.. and if he wasn't blind, he probably saw Kenny's arms already.

"S-self-harm.. and, uhh.. third suicide attempt." Kenny stuttered.

"Yeah, I.. can see it. By the way, sorry for being so open and rambling about everything.. I used to be super antisocial. But someone told me I'd like it here better if I made friends. And.. you looked lonely." Damien said.

Honestly Kenny was glad to have someone to talk to and maybe even relate to. He wasn't expecting anyone to even talk to him or anything. In fact, he was pretty sure no one would want to talk to anyone who hides twenty minutes behind the couch.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now