Gallons of the stuff

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Kenny woke up. It was time to see whether he was going to school or not. He unrolled the bandage.. seems like no school today. They didn't bleed but you could easily see that they were pretty fresh. At first Kenny was okay with it, he could just spend the day at home. But what about the other days? He realised that wounds didn't heal overnight. At some point he could've been thankful to his overprotective friends who constantly checked on him, but not now.

Immediately Kenny knew what to do. Without thinking much he ran into his room and took the knife again. He rolled up his sleeves, now both of them, and stared at the blade. "Am I really doing this?" he thought. This better work.

He was used to this. Without hesitating he picked up the knife. He put the blade against his skin, pressed as hard as he could and began to drag it across his arm. Not horizontally, like he usually did. Vertically. A sharp pain rushed through his body as he repeated the steps with his other arm. He didn't stop even there. Even though it hurt more than he expected, he kept trying to make the wounds deeper to help him bleed out faster. When he finally dropped the knife, there was blood everywhere. On his clothes, the floor.. I'll probably be dead by the time someone needs to clean this all up, he thought. It didn't take long for him to pass out.

About ten minutes later the front door opened. Kenny's mom had forgotten something. She almost tripped on Kenny's shoes, he would always leave them in the middle of the floor. But.. why were the shoes still here in the first place? Kenny should've gone to school by this time.

"Kenny! Are you ditching again?" she called out.

No response. Kenny would usually make a huge mess by trying to eat breakfast by himself, but now the kitchen was all clean. He probably overslept again. She walked towards Kenny's room. The door was closed, so she knocked. Still no response. Kenny's mom bursted in through the door, expecting Kenny to be fast asleep. But instead she saw a bloody mess with her son in the middle of it all with a knife and slit-up wrists. Tears filled her eyes as she dialed 911 as fast as possible.

The ambulance was there in five minutes. Fortunately Kenny hadn't been smart enough to find an actual vein or artery to cut. He was still unconscious when they carried him to the ambulance and rushed to the hospital, but they did find his pulse again.

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now