Just an ordinary day

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Kenny: got any plans?
Craig: What do you mean?
Kenny: wanna visit someday?
Craig: Of course!!
Kenny: can't wait to see you again
Craig: Sometime this week?
Kenny: perfect

After some texting Kenny went to look for Damien. He was easy to find, sitting on the couch, the same couch Kenny sat behind to hide on the first days.

"Hi, Kenny. Where were you?" Damien asked.

"I had that conversation with the doctor and my parents."

"Oh yeah.. what did he say?"

"He just said that I'll be staying here for a while. My parents of course agreed. That's all." Kenny said.

"But.. I think that's good. I mean, if you got home I'd be all alone... ugh, that sounds totally selfish. Hoping you wouldn't recover so I wouldn't be alone." Damien answered, totally ignoring the fact that he could recover too.

"No! Not at all.. I don't even want to go home yet. Everytime they let me go home I relapse or do something stupid." Kenny sighed.

Ironic to say for someone who's begged to go home for the past three hospital visits.

"By the way.. I might get to see my friend this week." Kenny said.

"That's great! I wish mine still visited.." Damien sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. they did visit during the first two weeks. They thought I'd be out by then. But I'm still here. They're always like 'when you get out we can do this' and 'when you recover we can do that'."

"Mine are like that too. And if they weren't that passionate about my recovery I might have skipped slitting my wrists open after relapsing and being too afraid of their reactions." Kenny said.

Damien couldn't say anything, because all of a sudden they heard a voice from the door.


It was a nurse. Time for group therapy.

"I hate group." Damien admits.

"I hate therapy in general." Kenny continues.

"People get here so they can't hurt themselves or others, right? Why couldn't we just like, sit in our rooms and once in a while get thrown here to socialize? Without all the 'talking about your problems' crap?" Damien suggests.

"Perfect!" Kenny agrees.

"Kenny and Damien!" the nurse calls for them. They notice everyone else on the door, waiting for them.

"Ah, shit. I think we should go."

Kenny Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now