Chapter 4 - Evasion

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I awoke that morning to the incessant beeping of my alarm clock. I smacked the button and got up, completing my morning routine. The others and I were meant to meet up today, at the park. So I unlatched the door and started walking toward the meeting place.

To my surprise, when I got there, the guys weren't there. I sat on the swings for ten minutes. Still, nobody showed. I decided it wasn't worth waiting any longer, and so went home.

I tried texting everybody, but nobody replied. Even after a month, they still seemed to shy away. Katelyn seemed a bit distant, but we still talked. We stayed friends. But she was pulled away by other problems.

That left me alone. Dad had come back and seemed like he was genuinely sorry for tossing Mom aside. He was just like anyone else to me, so when Mom said she would date him again, I had strong objections. Mom just said not to worry. 

"It'll all turn out fine. I'm sure your father's better now." she would say. If only she knew the things I'd heard about him.

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