Chapter 18 - Broken

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I awoke with an agonising pain in my head. As I slowly woke up, I remembered what I'd done, and the bright light that had knocked me flying. I almost teared up as I remembered all the pain I caused Ciel. I started breathe fast and shallow. I widened my eyes and then ran back to my home. I wrote a letter.

Dear friends,

I realise now that my abilities are becoming too strong for me to handle. Therefore, you might never see me again. But should you try to find me... I may never be the same.

My sincerest apologies to Ciel and Ele, especially Ciel. Please know I didn't mean what I did, as I said, my abilities were too strong, and took over my conciousness.

Please forgive me, this may be goodbye.

Jacob Green

I then slammed the pen down, and walked into town, shoved it through Elenore's letterbox. I saw her coming, and ran. I realised they'd all go to her house, so I put it there. As I ran, the tears finally came, and I sprinted faster and faster, pulling out a knife and a spear I'd crafted during my stay in the UK back on Earth. I ran deep into the meadows, past rivers and lakes, deep into the Dark Forest. It started to rain, so I walked into a cave, and sat inside. I pulled out a lighter and some wood I had from earlier, and lit a fire. I sighed, wiping my eyes, and laid down.

I remember the last thing that I remember about the town; Elenore calling my name as I started to run away. Part of me wanted them to come here and find me, but the other meant what I wrote.

I was gone, probably for good.

Better than causing them pain.

Better than causing Ele pain.

I realised then... I had a slight crush on Elenore. Maybe that was why me and Ciel clashed.

I decided it wasn't worth thinking over, at least not until morning, and closed my eyes.

That was the longest sleep I'd ever had.

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