Chapter 4: New Life, New Sister...

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Jung Ho Seok

Yoon Gi Hyung had gathered us in Jung Kook's bedroom that night...

"Why do you gathering us here?" I asked Yoon Gi Hyung while fanning myself. Jung Kook's room isn't large enough and there were seven boys here and eight with Min Seo who is fallen asleep on the bed.

"It's too hot here!"

"Let's do it faster and get out from here!" Nam Joon grumbled.

"Tae Hyung, move your leg away!" Ji Min who lying down on the bed with Min Seo and Tae Hyung, kicked Tae Hyung's leg.

"Ouch! That's hurt!"

"Hyung! Get off from my bed, now!"

"Jung Kook, your room smelled badly slowly."

"Anyone who hasn't took a shower yet?"

"It must be you, Nam Joon." Seok Jin Hyung accused Nam Joon at the corner

"I've took a shower!"

"Shut up! Or else you'll wake Min Seo up!" Yoon Gi Hyung calmed them down. They shut their mouth immediately.

"So, what is your reason for gathering us here?" I asked him.

"Guys, listen..."


Kim Seok Jin

We heard it; the silly idea of Jung Kook and Yoon Gi. I wasn't sure if the parents allow us to bring Min Seo with us. But I love the idea, everyone love the idea too.

"I don't think that they allow us to bring Min Seo home." I said doubtful. Ji Min and Tae Hyung nodded their head in unison, agreeing with me.

"But we can persuade them." said Jung Kook.

"Jung Kook is right. We can persuade them. We'll don't know if they allow us or not if we don't ask them." Yoon Gi stated. The remaining of us was in silent.

"But I don't have a confident..." Ho Seok said from the corner.

"I agree with you, Yoon Gi Hyung, but I can't persuade them, I know it." Nam Joon raised his hands; gave up. Yoon Gi sighed. "Okay, I'll persuade them."

"Hyung, are you sure?" Jung Kook widened his eyes. Yoon Gi shrugged. "If they don't allow us, we don't have any choice then. At least we should try before give up."

I know if Yoon Gi is a genius that can turned into the wise person sometimes. But I don't think that Yoon Gi is genius and wise enough to persuade them! While he left the room; to persuade them, the remaining boys were staying at Jung Kook's room.

"Do you think that Yoon Gi Hyung would success?" asked Ho Seok.

"I hope he would success!" Ji Min prayed.

"I hope it too..." Tae Hyung gazed at sleeping Min Seo. "Just think about that she will be living with us make me happy," Tae Hyung grinned. I just smiled.

Yoon Gi didn't come back for a long time. I felt like waiting for him a year in Jung Kook's hot bedroom. There must be an air conditioner or at least a fan, but there's nothing.

"I want to get out..." Nam Joon grumbled under his breath. Ji Min and Tae Hyung had got down from the bed since a while ago. They afraid if the hot temperature waking her up. Ho Seok and Jung Kook were talking on the floor while scribbling on the papers. I joined them. Nam Joon opened the window and stood in front of it. Ji Min and Tae Hyung just looked at the sleeping Min Seo and complimented her how cute she is.

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