Chapter 14: Christmas Eve... pt.1

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Kim Tae Hyung

"Number 8, number 8..." I kept chanting it while scanned the houses that I've passed. I held my phone and re-read the address which noted on my phone to verified that I was in the right address.

"Wah, it's so pretty here..." I mumbled to myself. Eun Moon lived in such a beautiful village. Every house has a garden with a meter-tall bushes as the fence. The roofs were coated by the snow, made it looked like a gingerbread house that's coated by a cream. Walking along the path in this village is just like walking at the wonderland with Hansel and Gretel houses around. I could hear a faint ring of sleigh bells and a christmas carol. Maybe it was come from a small church, slightly separated from the village.

"Number 5, number 6, number 7... Oh, here it is, number 8." I saved my phone on my pocket and took steps ahead, entered the entrace. I noticed a snowman near the window. I chuckled. Maybe Eun Moon and her little brother made it.

There were steps in the front with a black handrail. I gave a soft knocks on the dark brown door.

"Yes, wait a minute." A familiar voice replied from inside before opened the door.

"Oh, S-Seonbaenim. It's cold outside, let's have a sit first." Eun Moon invited me inside. She had got me a hot chocolate. While she was preparing, i looked around, admiring the interior design inside her house. The outside is beautiful, as well as inside. Even the owner is beautiful too... Oh, okay, let's get focus!

"Seonbaenim I'm sorry. My parents got something important to do so I have to babysit my little brother. They've back just now." She explained from the next room but I could still hear her. "No problem." I replied.

"I've done. Let's go." She appeared from the next room. I looked at her from the head to the toe. A pastel coloured pleated knee length skirt and a pastel coloured sweater. She wore a pastel coloured coat that fell down up to her knee, centimetres away from the edge of her skirt. She tied her hair into a ponytail in one side.

Woah... So pretty...

"Tae Hyung Seonbaenim?" I didn't realize that she was waved her hands in front of me.

"Uh, yes?"

Hearing my reply, Eun Moon tilted her head in confusion. "I said, I'm ready, so let's go?" I had finally get my sense back. "Oh, okay..." I replied, a bit bewildered.

"Tae Hyung Seonbaenim, are you okay? Are you sick?" Eun Moon touched my forehead with back of her hand while her other hand touched her forehead, tried to compare the temperature. But, hey~ I felt like I was frozen even I forgot how to breath.

"There's nothing wrong..." She put her hand down. I gulped difficultly and turned my gaze away from her to hide my nervousness. Then I spotted something outside through the window. I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside.


Fortunately, she had worn her boots. I dragged her ran down from the steps and still didn't stop until we were out from her yard. I looked up and smiled.


We both looked up. The tiny snowflakes began to fall down one by one.


Kim Nam Joon

I drove the car carefully and parked it at the roadside. I arrived here again, in the neighbourhood where Soo Ae's practice room located. She said that she had a little vocal practice in the afternoon. Luckily, her practice was done at the nightfall, so she still had a time to come to our party.

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