Chapter 26: Rainy Days...

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Kim Tae Hyung

"Faster! We have to go quickly or else everyone is going to leave us!" I packed my stuff in hurry; stuffing all the things that I could reach into my bag. I gave a glance to the clock that was hanging on the wall. 30 minutes remaining!

"I know, I know! Ugh!! Just if we didn't fall asleep last night, we could prepare all of this earlier!" He stuffed his clothes into his bag. I reached a pack of medicine on the table and packed it together with my other stuffs.

"I bring the medicine." I said. Yoon Gi Hyung was preparing a pack full of medicine and vitamin for us. He's truly a kind brother even though he's bit salty sometimes, but I know that Yoon Gi Hyung loves us so much, so that we love Yoon Gi Hyung too.

I zipped my bag as I done packing. I turned around and saw Ji Min with his yet scattered stuff with an open bag that was already filled the half.

"I'll go check Jung Kook and Min Seo." I said. Ji Min just hummed as the respond.

"Hey!! Jeon Jung Ko- Oh! Jeon Min Seo, you haven't finished your meal??" My steps that should bring me to Jung Kook's room upstairs were halted upon I saw Min Seo with her nearly untouched breakfast.

"I don't feel like eating~" She whined. I walked toward her with a frown. "Eat it now. Don't ask me to yell at you, Jeon Min Seo." I moved my index finger from the right to the left continuously.

She pouted and slump her shoulder in defeat and ate her breakfast eventually. "That's my princess~" I grinned and ran my fingers through his silky long hair.

"Now, finish it and I'll go and call Jung Kook Oppa for you."

I went to Jung Kook's room. Pushing the door open and expected to see him in his neat uniform already and ready to take Min Seo to her school on his way to school.

"WHAT THE HELL, JUNG KOOK!!!" I widened my eyes in shock; not because his messy room; Nam Joon's skill to destroy many things and Jung Kook's laziness to put away his clothes were a good composition in order to mess the room. Well, I'm tired to explain about how messy their room is, so don't ask me to.

I marched toward the bed where Jung Kook was still asleep. Their bed was a bunk bed where Jung Kook occupied the upper bed and Nam Joon Hyung occupied the lower bed.

I pulled the thick blanket which covered him completely from the head to the toe. "Wake up sleepyhe- WHAT THE HELL, JUNG KOOK!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Jung Kook wasn't looked fine at all. He looked pale. Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead. He groaned in his sleep.

"Hey, Jung Kook, wake up. Are you oka- Oh my God!! You're burning!!" I pulled my hand off as soon as I touched his forehead. I didn't know what should I do and Jung Kook's groan had gotten worse, he frowned. It was just like he had a serious nightmare. His breathing was heavy. He tried to catch his own breath.

"PARK JI MIN!!" I turned my head toward the opened door and called for Ji Min at the downstairs. I could hear his faint reply. "YES??"

"Come here this instant! Jung Kook is not okay!"


Later, I heard loud footsteps came toward us. Ji Min was in the doorstep and approached with a confused yet worry look on his face.

"What's happen to you, Jung Kook?" Ji Min touched Jung Kook's forehead. "Oh my God! He's burning!!"

Maybe because we were too noisy so Jung Kook was awakened. He frowned before he opened his eyes slowly.

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