Chapter 22: Black Manager...

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Min Yoon Gi

"I've said I don't feel like going to office now, Yoon Sang." I said as I swirled the chair around. I was talking with Yoon Sang; he has been calling me for 10 times before I decided to pick it up at his eleventh attempts after ignoring his ten calls.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at my little cousin's room, playing some computer games." I replied.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"No, no! I'm not. You don't believe me? Wanna hear the game's music theme?" I asked. I was telling the truth. I was here, played some games in Jung Kook's computer. The room was in terrible state; typical Jung Kook and Nam Joon. But I had game to be heeded, so I didn't mind about the room.

I placed the phone near the speaker to let Yoon Sang hears it.

"Look? I've said the truth. Don't say that you still don't believe me." I put my phone back to my ear. I heard a sigh from the other side.

"It's not what I mean, Yoon Gi. You've got no time for game now. You have to looking for the singer." Yoon Sang said stressed.

"For what?" I asked as I grabbed the computer mouse to exit from the game I currently play. I scrolled through Jung Kook's game to looking for the other games because I had been playing the same game for 5 hours straight.

"For singing your song of course! Yoon Gi, are you stupid or what?" Yoon Sang yelled. I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Chill boy, you don't have to yell." I said calmly. "...and I'm a genius."

He groaned.

I smiled excitedly; ignoring his call for a bit when I found the game that I want; a shooting game. I clicked it open.

"Hey, Min Yoon Gi, are you still there-"

A loud sound cut his words abruptly when I tried to lower the volume. "Sorry, it was the game." I said.

"Min Yoon Gi, you've opened another game?!" He asked in disbelief and I just approved his statement.

"Turn it off now and come here this instant! We're going to looking for a singer." Yoon Sang said sternly.

"Ah~ no. I'm not going~" I whined. "I'm not going to release the song, problem solved." I added

Yoon Sang took another deep sigh; calming his mind. "Yoon Gi, your song is great, okay? We have to release it, but there is no singer who is going to sing your song, yet we have to looking for it. You can't let your great song rotting in your computer disk, right?"

"I can if I want." I said shortly.

"Then I wouldn't let you to! Look, your great song should be sung, no, it has to!" Yoon Sang insisted. I groaned.

"Then I'll just ask Jung Kook to sing it!" I pouted. A talk with Yoon Sang just made me more stressed.

"No, Yoon Gi, you can't!" He went against it.

"Why?? Did you just look down on my little brother?! He has a good voice! Don't reject it because I listen to his singing nearly every day. Same thing goes on Ji Min, Tae Hyung and Seok Jin Hyung either!" I raged up. Yoon Sang sighed in defeat.

"It's not what I mean, Yoon Gi. I didn't look down on your cousins. I know if Jung Kook has a good voice, you ever brought him to studio and asked for his help to sing the demo song." Yoon Sang explained.

Oh, right...

"So? What's the problem? Let's ask Jung Kook to sing this song. Maybe I'm just going to order him to have his debut." I said.

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