Chapter 28: Reminiscence...

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Min Yoon Gi

I calmed down myself by driving along the highway at maximum speed. The anger, worry, sadness, anxious, and guilty were mixed up. My breath was rough; chest went up and down with the heartbeat pounded over against my rib.

The rain poured down heavily. It was drizzle at first, but it gotten worse. It was a storm that night; with a thunder pounced around on the sky once in a while. I could hardly see the road, even the floodlight wasn't helping. I had turned on the wiper, but it didn't help much.

I knew that it was dangerous to speed up; moreover the road is slippery and the vision isn't very clear. But I didn't care. I stepped on the pedal and fastened the pace. With the blur vision, I didn't even know that I had shifted to the other lane which was leading to the opposite direction.

I didn't know what I should do. I couldn't help much about Min Seo's case. I couldn't just stay still either. Meanwhile, crying wasn't really help to solve the problem. The real man doesn't cry over something like this anyway, does him?

I was busy with my thought and didn't see the danger was coming. My phone which I had placed on the passenger seat beside me was rang. I gave a quick glance to read the ID caller and it was from Ji Min.

I tried to reach it out but unfortunately, it got knocked it off and slipped down from the seat. I cursed under my breath and bended over to take it. Taking away my sight from the road in the front and looked for my phone, I didn't even slow the car down.

I caught a familiar rectangular-shaped thing; my cellphone, on my hand. I got up and leaned back to my seat when something was coming.

My eyes were blinded by the light from the floodlight of the car in front of me, followed by the deafening sound of the horn. My eyes couldn't take the sudden brightness which was shone upon me. I let the phone slid down from my hand as I tried to cover my eyes.

Realizing what was happened, I automatically twirled the steering wheel quickly; trying to get back to my own lane. The car went uncontrollably. I stepped on the brake with all my might; trying to stop the car before it hit against the border and went down off the cliff.

The other car which was going to collide with mine was whizzing pass. My car had stopped completely. I leaned to the front; burying my face on the steering wheel, tried to catch my breath and pulled myself back to my sense.

I could have died already if I didn't do something immediately. What a fortunate, there wasn't another car on my lane, so I didn't go to another accident whilst I tried to get away from the other lane.

Couldn't imagine it if I had gone to some car accident; I just going to add another burden to the boys. Particularly, the car accident on the highway tends to bring an instant death to the victim or it could be worse if the accident was involving more than 2 cars or we could call it a chained cars accident.

My phone was still ringing until now before it went off and made it as a missed call. I grabbed my phone which was lying down beside my feet and waiting for another call as I settled the car properly on the street side.

My phone rang again. I inhaled the air as much as I could; trying to calm myself before picking up the call from Ji Min.

Ji Min's voice was heard as soon as I brought the phone closer to my ear.

"Hyung!! Where-" Ji Min cut off his words after he had heard me.

"Yes?" I uttered weakly.

"HYUNG! ARE YOU OKAY?" Ji Min literally yelled, made me remove the phone away from my ear immediately.

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