Chapter 27: The Prince's Fault...

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Jeon Jung Kook

I opened my eyes slowly. The darkness surrounded me. I blinked my eyes several times before I realized that my room was dark. The curtain was opened but the outside was showing nearly the same result; a dim nightfall sky.

I reached out for my phone beside my pillow to check the time. I frowned and closed my eyes immediately after the phone brightness shining upon me. I squinted and dimmed the brightness.

07.00 pm?

I got up from my bed in the upper bunk and jumped to the floor. Still with a throbbing head, I stumbling out from the room and found the darkness take over the house entirely.

Where's everyone?

I went to kitchen and drank a glass of water. I glanced at the kitchen window. Rain still poured down out there.

Wait... there's something off...

I choked on my drink when I realized something. I supposed to pick Min Seo up from her school. I slammed the glass on the table and ran out of the house. Ignoring the fact that it was still raining and I forgot my umbrella. The rain hit me and I knew that my cold could be gotten worse but I didn't care. My feet didn't stop running until I found myself in front of Min Seo's school.

Trying to catch my breath, I leaned on the wall; wiping my temple with my sleeve. I didn't know it anymore, wasn't it wet because of my cold sweat, the rain or both.

I dragged my feet to the door, slightly crawled up on the steps in front of the glass door.

It was completely quiet and dark. I felt hopeless, so I just sat down on the cold marble-stone floor and brought my feet near to me. I crouched down and buried my face between my knees. It was cold. I was freezing. My teeth started chattering and I was already trembling.

But then the glass door was opened suddenly. I looked up and met eyes with Ha Ji Yeon, Min Seo's teacher. Her jaw dropped as she saw me.


"Oh my God! Seok Jin's cousin, aren't you?" She crouched down beside me and checked on me. "You're having a very high fever. Let me take you inside." She helped me to stand up.

"Miss, it's not important right now. The important one is where's Min Seo? She hasn't got back home yet." I asked.


Kim Seok Jin

This is crazy.

How could this be?

I drove home crazily; skipped few traffic lights, nearly ran into some pedestrian and some truck, but fortunately, I was okay and didn't involve in some car accident. I'm usually a good driver who pay attention after the sign well; I'm a lawyer after all, but not today. I had to get home as soon as possible.

I stopped the car abruptly in front of the house; at the street side, without drove it in to the yard. The rain was still pouring down.

I opened the door and earned all the attention from the boys.


I didn't say anything as I tried to catch my breath. I looked around and found that Ji Min, Tae Hyung and Jung Kook weren't there.

"Where's the other?" I asked. Ho Seok was the one who answered it quickly. "Tae Hyung and Ji Min have to attend their MT, and Jung Kook is in his room; his fever is quite high."

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