Chapter 17: Sticky Note...

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Back to 2016
Kim Tae Hyung

I pushed the door; causing it to creaking open.

"You haven't found it?" I asked. Ji Min shook his head and groaned. "I'm pretty sure I put it here!" He rummaged through his books stacks on his desk. He even poured all the contents in his backpack on the bed.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop it, Park Ji Min. Let's forget about it, okay? I promise I will help you to find it."

Hearing my reply, Ji Min widened his eyes and put both of his hands on his hips. "Look, I'm trying to find my note here, so you can copy it because you've been skipped the night courses for freaking 2 days!"

I sighed. "I'll help you later. Come on, Seok Jin Hyung want us to eat the breakfast quickly and go to school or else we'll be late." I motioned him to come out and have the breakfast. With a slumped shoulder, he shoved his stuff that was poured down on his bed into the backpack and dragged it with him to the dining table to eat our breakfast.


"Be a good girl~" We waved our hands to Min Seo who walked in to the school. She just flashed us her smile and ran toward the building.

"You pick Min Seo up later." Ji Min nudged Jung Kook.

"Okay. Hyung, I have an unfinished homework, gotta go!!" Jung Kook ran ahead; leaving us.

I thought we'll be late, but surprisingly, we were arrived at school 30 minutes before the lesson had started.

"Ugh, Ho Seok Hyung~ He must be quickened the clock." I groaned.

"Good, I have an enough time to looking for my notes." Ji Min said. We walked toward the locker section in the corridor.

"Don't be sad. We'll find it sooner or later. You've broke your lock right? Someone might borrowed it for a while. They'll return it, don't worry." I patted his shoulder.

"Oh right! You go first. I need to see the principal to change my lock!" Ji Min ran to another side of building while I continued my way to the locker section.

My locker is the second one from left to the right. Just like usual, I'll found a sticky note stuck on my locker door. It had been 2 weeks since I've got the first note and it kept appearing with a different colour and with a different message every day.

This time, I've got 2 extra notes since I didn't appear at school for 2 days.

Just smile and be my sunshine, Kim Tae Hyung ^_^v


You didn't appear at school yesterday, are you okay? By the way, I'm a girl if you curious


I've got a little surprise for you. Hope you'll like it


I tucked the notes and put it randomly on my pocket. Then I just realized that I had my locker unlocked. I opened it quickly and checked if I lost something. I sighed in relieved when I found my stuff untouched. But I figured something that shouldn't be in my locker.

Ji Min's note?

There was a book under Ji Min's book and a note stuck on that. That book isn't mine.

You forgot to lock your locker ^^ I borrowed Ji Min's note and copied it for you ^^ You had skipped the extra course for 2 days right? I hope you are okay. I miss you. PS: I don't have any courage to return Ji Min's note back, can you return it for me instead? Oh, and don't tell Ji Min that I've taken his note from his locker. Please~

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