Chapter 19: Serenade...

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Kim Seok Jin

Okay, can someone tell me why did these boys choose me to be the one who sent Min Seo to Ji Yeon?

It was the day when we were too busy to even take care of Min Seo. I was sitting behind the desk full of papers when Ho Seok came to me with Min Seo behind him.

"What?" I removed my glasses and looked up to Ho Seok.

"We've made a deal, and you're chosen to be the one who take Min Seo to school and ask Min Seo's teacher to take care of her for today only." Ho Seok explained with a flat expression.

"What?! What 'deal'?!"

"For more information, please ask the rest. They're downstairs." Ho Seok shrugged.

"Wait! How they can be so arbitrary?" I stomped passing Ho Seok and Min Seo. They tailed along after.

"WAIT HYUNG!! THIS IS TAEHYUNG'S AND JIMIN'S IDEA!!" Yoon Gi defended himself even before I could hose down a series of curses upon them. "Where are..."

"WE'LL GO!!!!!"

My words got cut by Jimin's and Taehyung's shout from the front gate, followed by Jung Kook's plead, "HYUNG! LET'S GO TOGETHER!!!"

"I think you should be the one who take Min Seo there..." Yoon Gi said. I sent a death glare to him.

"GOOD IDEA, GENIUS!" I scoffed. Yoon Gi just shrugged and said "I am."

"Hm... I can go by myself..." Min Seo butted in and only got an assertive 'no' from us. No, we couldn't let her going to school alone by herself of course.

I sighed. "Okay, tell me why did you have a deal without me and how can I get chosen?"

"Ask one by one." Nam Joon protested. Oh my God, I've even just thrown 2 questions.

"Why did you have a deal without me?" I asked.

"Simple. It's because you were not here." Yoon Gi shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"But you can call me." I said. Nobody answered.

"Why don't you answer?" I frowned.

"Simple. It's not even a question. How do we suppose to answer it?" Yoon Gi shrugged. I clicked my tongue.

"Okay. So, how can I get chosen?" I asked.

"Simple. It's because you were not here." Yoon Gi shrugged.

"And Ji Min and Tae Hyung threw a good idea, so why not?" Nam Joon added.

"Oh, just send her please. She's getting late." Ho Seok shoved the car key into my hand. "Ugh, I'm busy though..." I mumbled.

"Don't be like that. At least, you have a chance to meet that pretty girl~" Ho Seok consoled the upset me.

"'that pretty girl'?" I tilted my head.

"Don't act like nothing happened. You like Miss Ha, don't you?" Yoon Gi threw up a silly guess.

"SHUT UP MIN YOON GI!" I took Min Seo out of living room before those three monkeys say something they shouldn't say any further.


"Be a good girl, okay?" I checked Min Seo's bag twice to reassure myself that she didn't leave anything.

"I always do." She replied shortly. I gave her a smile before drove the car away to the Min Seo's school.

"Oppa." She called. I hummed as respond.

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