Chapter 29: Getaway...

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Jung Ho Seok

I missed our princess, truly...

It was true when Yoon Gi Hyung was contacted by the police; saying that they had found the trace of Min Seo from the CCTV at the convenient store, showed Min Seo with some woman buying some candy and sitting on the concrete seat in front of the store before a taxi stopped in front of them and the woman dragged Min Seo with her to the taxi.

It had been a week and they hadn't found anything else. The police seemed to have lost hope, but not with the boys. They tried their best to find Min Seo, it didn't really help though.

2 weeks passed. We were back to our routines. Jung Kook with his school, Tae Hyung and Ji Min with their study at the university as well as Nam Joon and I. Seok Jin Hyung said he didn't really have something to do and chose to just staying at home; waiting for a call from the cops. Yoon Gi Hyung was quiet originally, but I thought he just gone quieter these days.

Or just because there's something between Yoon Gi Hyung and I, I realized that we just made everything gotten worse, so I decided to apologize to Yoon Gi Hyung. It was my fault anyway. Yoon Gi Hyung; being cool about everything, was forgiving me.

Meanwhile, I could hardly focus on the class. Han Yool who was always staying right by my side, never nagged as she know the situation.

"Let's just cancel our date." Han Yool said. We were at the empty classroom. The other students were already walking out long with the professor. We still left behind.

"But you say you want to watch the movie. Really, Han Yool. You've said that you've waited for a long time for this. And you just said that we cancelled our date?" I frowned. Han Yool had been talking about this movie since last month.

"That's okay. We still can watch it later; after we have found Min Seo. So, we don't need these." Han Yool took out the ticket from her bag and just tore it into pieces.

"What?! Why?" I widened my eyes. She looked at my eyes and flashed a smile. "I don't want to hear anything from you. I just don't want to watch it alone nor with someone else. I just want to watch it with you." She brought her hands to my cheek and caressed it briefly before she stood up and left.

I stared at her figure until she gone behind the door. A smile tugged on the corner of my lips. I felt so lucky to have this girl. My eyes shifted to the pieces on the desk. The wind slowly blew it up and made it scattered on the floor.


Min Yoon Gi

"That was bad, Yoon Gi."

I turned my head and found So Rin leaned her back against the opened door; arms folded on her chest. She approached me and swirled the chair around as she took a sit there.

"It was the worst Moonlight Sonata ever." So Rin commented. "Beethoven must be sad." She added.

I didn't say anything and just looked at the white and black keys before my eyes. I was at the studio; trying to do my work but it just didn't work, so I just pressed any random keys but turned out I was playing the melody of Moonlight Sonata.

"Have you got any news?" So Rin asked carefully. I heaved a sigh and shook my head. "No." I replied shortly. We drowned in the silence once again.

So Rin tapped her foot on the floor impatiently as she actually had something to say. "It can't be like this." She finally spoke up. So Rin clicked some button and some happy tune blared out from the speaker. I didn't know what she was trying to do, but I knew what it was as soon as she reached out for my hand and asked me to stand up from my seat.

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