Chapter 8: Choco...

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Jung Ho Seok

Nam Joon and Seok Jin Hyung looked surprised when Ji Min and I appeared in the living room. Meanwhile Ji Min and I were surprised as well. We didn't expect to saw Seok Jin Hyung already home, at least not at this time.

Well, I could understand them. Ji Min was supposed to be still in the school, prepared his night session. But, Seok Jin Hyung? He said that he has a big case involved in the court and he might be home late for the next 3 days, so what was he doing here?

"You're home? Where is Tae Hyung?" Seok Jin Hyung asked Ji Min while Nam Joon had back to his favorite TV channel. I slumped myself on the couch beside and fiddling with my phone. Ji Min walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge; grabbed a bottle of cold water and gulped it.

"The night session has been postponed, again." Ji Min emphasized the word 'again'. Seemed like he never like the fact that the night session is being postponed. Well, it's opposite with Tae Hyung. That boy always looked happy and cheerful when the night session is being postponed.

"Where's Min Seo?" Nam Joon asked.

"She's playing with Tae Hyung and Jung Kook outside." I replied shortly.

"Even Jung Kook is home already?" Seok Jin Hyung mumbled.

"What are they doing there?" asked Nam Joon curious. I shrugged. "There's a cat under the cucumber plant in the front yard. I guess they're playing with it." I said.

"A cat??"

"Well, it's a kitty precisely." Ji Min corrected.

"A kitty??"


Kim Tae Hyung

"It's a kitty!!" Min Seo ran to the corner of the yard as soon as we opened the fence. Jung Kook and I ran after Min Seo who was crouching down already around the cucumber plants. "Oh, you must be lonely and sad. Where's your parent?" Min Seo asked.

"Guys, go inside soon." Ho Seok Hyung instructed. "Okay." Jung Kook replied while Ji Min just checked over our backs briefly before followed Ho Seok Hyung to go inside.

"It's cute. " Min Seo asked. Yeah, it's cute enough with its light brown-colored fur. It's still a kitty. I wondered where its parents were.

Jung Kook joined with us; looking at the kitty. Yeah, we're love animals, especially kitty, cat, puppy and dog. We're used to raise a pet in our hometown, but since we're in Seoul, We left our pet behind.

The house is mess enough with seven of us, oh correction! It's eight of us, since Min Seo was joining us lately. We didn't have a time to raise a pet and I know that the pet just make the house messier with its habit which likes to jumping around and scratching thing. But we're a liar if we said that we don't yearn for it.

"I'll go inside first. I want to get change." Jung Kook got up and walked inside. "Go inside soon, Hyung~"

"Shouldn't we give it a name?" Min Seo asked.

"I want too, but I don't think that the others will allow us to raise it." I said. Min Seo looked sad.

"It doesn't have any family and we're going to leave it alone?" Min Seo mumbled. I didn't want to see the sadness filled in Min Seo's eyes. I didn't care if the others allow us to raise it or not. But we're not going to leave it here.

We spent like an hour playing with the kitty and decided what name that suited the kitty.

"Choco." I said. Min Seo turned her head. "Choco?"

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