Chapter 7: One Fine Day...

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Kim Seok Jin

There was still something need to be taken care of about Min Seo's registration, so I'll be the one who took Min Seo to her new school.

"Be a good girl, okay?" I said to the Min Seo while I opened the door and unbuckled her seat belt. She jumped out from the car and took my hand. "I'll be a good girl. I've promised H Seok Oppa and Yoon Gi Oppa." She smiled sweetly.

I knocked the door. A girl in her early twenties opened the door. Her smile bloomed when she saw Min Seo. "You must be Jeon Min Seo, right?"

Min Seo took a step backward and hid behind my leg. She must be still shy. "It's okay. Greet her." I said and she greeted the girl -her name is Ha Ji Yeon, by the way- with a faint voice "Hello."

After took care the thing that needed to be taken care, I sent Min Seo to her class.

"Come in." Ji Yeon opened the door for Min Seo. But Min Seo refused to go inside; her grip on my hand went tighter instead.

"It's okay. Go inside. I'll be there." I said. Well, honestly I didn't have time for this. I have to go to the office as soon as possible. I've told Mr. Yoon, my friend that have a higher position as well that I have something urgent to do. Fortunately, he understood and gave me permission.

"Promise me." She asked. I smiled and gave her my pinky finger. I know that I shouldn't lie to such an innocent girl like Min Seo, but I didn't have any choice. My phone in my pocket has vibrated for many times already. Without taking it out, I knew that it was from Mr. Yoon.

"I promised you." I gave her an assured smile. She released her grip and took Ji Yeon's hand. "Please take care of her." I said and Ji Yeon nodded. "Don't worry."

Ji Yeon and Min Seo walked inside. "Guys, look! We have a new friend here." Ji Yeon announced. "It's okay. Greet them and tell them your name." Ji Yeon smiled to Min Seo.

"Hello, my name is Jeon Min Seo."

I stayed there for a while. Looking through the door glass that Min Seo is doing well. She walked to her desk after the introduction. A boy turned around and asked her to be his friend. Min Seo smiled and agreed to be his friend. A girl beside her just talked to Min Seo and looked like they're friends already. I let out a relieved sigh before motioned to Ji Yeon who was inside the room that I've to go right now. She smiled and promised me that she'll be taking a good care of Min Seo.

I felt a vibration from my phone as I unlocked the car and jumped inside.

"Yes, I'm on my way, Mr. Yoon."


Park Ji Min

I was in the cafeteria with Tae Hyung and Jung Kook; enjoying our lunch break when Seok Jin Hyung sent me a message.

From : Kim Seok Jin

Don't forget to pick Min Seo up from the school.

I tilted my head. "What's happened, Hyung?" asked Jung Kook. He looked over my phone. "Seok Jin Hyung?"

I forget to tell Seok Jin Hyung that I'll have a night session after school and Tae Hyung as well. I didn't know about the others.

"When will Min Seo's school is over?" I asked Tae Hyung and Jung Kook as I saved my phone back to my pocket. They just shrugged. The following message from Seok Jin Hyung came again 2 minutes later.

From : Kim Seok Jin

I've told Ji Yeon that you'll pick Min Seo up at 3 p.m. Don't be late!

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