Chapter 2: Funeral...

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Jeon Jung Kook

We prepared in silent. I was sitting in the couch and lining up for the bathroom when Seok Jin Hyung prepared for our clothes. The laughs and cheers from yesterday were faded and replaced by a silent that I hate most. Even Tae Hyung Hyung wasn't smiling today.

"Jung Kook, your cloth is here." Seok Jin Hyung said as he placed my cloth on the end of the desk. He just finished ironing our clothes. I nodded and mumbled a "Thank you" to him.

"I put the clothes by the order of our ages." He said. Ji Min Hyung whom just got out from the bathroom took the number five cloth and brought it to his room. I glanced at Tae Hyung Hyung at my right side. His eyes were closed. Well I think I should be the one who use the bathroom now.


Jung Ho Seok

I checked the dorm once again after all of them were getting on the car. I checked the gases and the windows, being prepared if Seok Jin Hyung was forgot to lock them or accidentally turned the gases on before going. I locked the front door and got in the car.

"Everything is okay?" asked Seok Jin Hyung. I counted all the boys in the car and they were here already. "We're okay, Hyung. I've locked all the windows, the back door and the front door. I turned the gas off, the fan and the air conditioners either. All of us are in the car already. We're ready to go." I told him as if I made a report.

"Thank you Ho Seok." He smiled at me, even though it wasn't a happy smile like usual; but it was a tired smile. He drove the car away from our dorm and off to Busan, the place where's Min Seo's family lived.

"We're going to your house, Jung Kook." told Seok Jin Hyung. He glanced through the rear view mirror in the middle. "Hm." Jung Kook mumbled and closed his eyes.

I looked back. Tae Hyung and Jung Kook looked out the window. Ji Min whom sat between them was busy with his phone, an earphone attached in his ears, Tae Hyung and Jung Kook either. I sat in the middle with Yoon Gi Hyung. He's almost like Tae Hyung and Jung Kook. Not like usual, he didn't has pen and a note in his hand. He crossed his hand and closed his eyes. Nam Joon was sit in the front beside Seok Jin Hyung whom driving.

I attached an earphone and closed my eyes too. This silent pierced me and I thought our car was never this quiet before.


Jeon Jung Kook

"Jeon Jung Kook, wake up." Ji Min Hyung woke me up. I stretched my hands and looked out the window. We're in my house. It's been a while since I was home and I just knew that Mom has grown the rose bushes under my room's window.

We got down and walked in. There are so much people. We can saw my mom and dad in the room where they give Min Seo's parents the last farewell.

"Hello, we're here." Seok Jin Hyung stated. We looked around. I can saw Ho Seok's parents, Yoon Gi's parents and Nam Joon's parents in the corner of the room; they drunk. Ji Min's parents and Tae Hyung's parents were serving the visitors.

We go straightly to the room and gave them our last farewell. Mom cried silently and Dad tried to console her.

Mom hugged me while the others were talking with my dad. I looked at Min Seo's parents' pictures. Min Seo's dad is the little brother of my dad.

"Go and help Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kim to serving the visitors. They getting busier and busier." said Dad, he smiled at me. "I'll take care of your mom." He added. I nodded and hugged him before left.

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