Chapter 9: Pity Princess...

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Min Yoon Gi

I just woke up and went downstairs when I was greeted by Min Seo from the kitchen. "Yoon Gi Oppa, good morning!" She waved her both hands with a cheerful wide smile plastered on her cute face. I flashed a smile to her and headed to the bathroom. But I heard a ruckus from the storage room behind the stairs, beside Ho Seok's, Ji Min's and Tae Hyung's room.

"Ouch! Jeon Jung Kook! You're step on my foot!" Ji Min groaned in pain.

"Oh, sorry, Hyung. Hahaha."

"What are you doing here?" I tilted my head and rubbed my eyes; trying to shoo away the drowsiness. Ji Min and Jung Kook startled. Jung Kook dropped the big box; it's looked heavy, on his hands accidentally and landed on Ji Min's foot which was stepped by Jung Kook earlier.


"HYUNG! YOU'VE SURPRISED ME!!" Jung Kook blamed me while putting away the big box from Ji Min's foot.

"Well... I just asked what you are doing. Am I did something wrong?" I asked.

"Nam Joon Oppa asked Ji Min Oppa and Jung Kook Oppa to clean this room." Min Seo appeared and replied for my question, instead of Jung Kook or Ji Min.

"What's for?" I kneeled down and kissed Min Seo's cheek. She started to giggle when I tickled her.

"We're going to change this room into Min Seo's room." JI Min replied.

"Seriously?! This dusty and narrow room?!" I looked at Ji Min and Jung Kook, disagree. Well, since we moved here, that room was a storage room already.

The younger ones' old books were stored there, so were my broken keyboard; the old one which was I spilled the hot coffee on it, the mirror splinters; the one that Tae Hyung and Ji Min have broken when they were playing a throw-and-catch with a baseball, the broken chair, speaker and microwave; those ones was broken by Nam Joon, and others. Maybe there were some mice and cockroaches too.

"We'll change this room into the beautiful room for our Min Seo." Ji Min pinched Min Seo's cheeks with his dirty hands. I glared at Ji Min and brought Min Seo to the bathroom to rinse her cheeks. "Don't worry, Hyung!" Jung Kook shouted.

"Park Ji Min, Jeon Jung Kook. Aren't you guys should eat your breakfast and go to school??" Seok Jin Hyung yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh! Yes! We're coming now!"


Jung Ho Seok

I was helping Min Seo wearing her sock when she called me with her tiny voice. "Ho Seok Oppa..." I looked up and met with her dark brown eyes. "Yes?"

She took something out from her bag hesitantly; looked like a letter or something, but she put it in again. Someone had opened the door. Tae Hyung. "Min Seo, let's go to the school." He said. Min Seo nodded cheerfully as if nothing happened. "I'm coming."

Tae Hyung closed the door after saying "We're waiting downstairs."

As Tae Hyung closed the door, I took a sit beside her, on Seok Jin's bed. "What's that?" I asked, but she shook her head slowly. "Nothing..." She jumped from her seat and grabbed her bag. "Tae Hyung Oppa has waiting for me downstairs."

"Are you going to hiding something from Oppa?" I asked. "What's that? You can show it to me." I persuaded her. She looked at me and took it out. It was a letter, I thought; from the folded way.

"I'm going now!!" She flung the door open and ran downstairs. "Be a good girl, Jeon Min Seo!!" I barely shouted and it was followed by Min Seo's reply. "Yes!!"

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