Chapter 6: ...New Chores -_-"

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Min Yoon Gi

Feel like I checked every corner of mart already. I stopped and tried to catch my breath. Roaming around the large mart with pushing cart along is tiring enough. So I pushed aside my cart and tried to looking for Min Seo once again. The cart just obstructs my way and increases my fatigue.

"Min Seo, Jeon Min Seo!" I called her name while roaming around the mart. I checked this large building twice and I hope the boys were here, so they can help me looking for Min Seo. But it was impossible because they were too busy.

Nam Joon told us that maybe they; Ho Seok and him, can't eat their dinner at home. Ji Min and Tae Hyung has an additional night session for today, while Jung Kook promised them that he will wait for them at the library while working on his assignment. Maybe they'll arrive at the right time after dinner and Seok Jin Hyung told me to do the rice first and then he will do the side dish later. There's a big case for him. And how about me? Honestly, I have to finish my draft song before the end of this week!

Maybe she's near the entrance...

I was tired already and wanted to take a rest for a while but Min Seo kept appearing on my mind, imagined that she's crying and scared right now, so I forced my legs to keep on walking and wandering my eyes on every corner.

It was an hour after Min Seo's missing. Sweats were wetting my palms and my forehead. My heart was beating fast and some thought passed my mind.

What if she's being kidnapped for real?

I shook my head in order to shoo away that thought and began to walking again. My sight became blurry because I was too tired. I was near the entrance when I saw someone who's I missed the most right now. Min Seo.

I sighed in relieved and I ran to her. She was sitting down on the stool in front of ice cream stand while a woman is talking to her. "Are you lost? Who's your name? Oh~ don't cry."

"Jeon Min Seo!" I called her. She turned her head and saw me. "Oppa!!"

"Your brother is here. You're safe now." She said. I mumbled a thanks and sorry to her. She just smiled and walked away. I stopped in front of Min Seo; catching my breath.

"Oppa? Oppa are you okay?" She wiped her own tears by herself. I wasn't saying anything and dragged her to the nearest bench.


"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. "How about you?" she asked. I smiled lightly and nodded my head.

"Let's take a rest for a while, Min Seo. I'm so tired."

After that, she held my hand tightly and not letting go.

"But Oppa, where's the cart?" asked Min Seo.

Oh right!!


Kim Tae Hyung

The night session has been postponed!

I was so happy and enjoy it but seemed like Ji Min didn't enjoy it. "What a shame." He said it for a hundred times. I just rolled my eyes. "Stop it, Ji Min."

I entered the library, where Jung Kook is waiting for us. I spotted him at the corner; studying. I ran and hugged his shoulders. He looked surprised. "H-Hyung?!"

"Let's go home, genius. The night session has been postponed." I said. I told him to tidying up his stuff when Ji Min texts me that he'll waiting for us near the vending machine.

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