Chapter 13: Bring the Girls Out...!

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Kim Nam Joon

I parked my car and got out after checking that my car didn't block the way.

I looked at the stairs that would bring me down to Soo Ae's practice room. She's always practicing in this basement place with her friends. I relaxed myself before took a step down.

I heard a music blasted from inside. I cleared out my throat and knocked the door. I thought they didn't hear me so I was going to knock again before someone opened the door, showed him not Soo Ae but the other familiar girl. I knew her. She's the one who always perform with Soo Ae, but I didn't know her name.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm..."

"Kim Nam Joon? Oh, let him in." I heard Soo Ae's voice from inside. The girl invited me in and I walked inside awkwardly.

"Hey there, Nam Joon!" Soo Ae waved her hand to me while she walked to turn the music off. There were 3 girls more in the practice room, beside the girl who opened the door for me and Soo Ae. I was the only boy and it made me uncomfortable.

"Let's talk outside. You must be uncomfortable here." Soo Ae took my hand and dragged me outside.

"I'm sorry, because of me, you have to come here." She felt bad for me.

"No, no. It's okay." I flashed her a smile. She smiled back. I always love her smile.

"This is my assignment. I promised I'll never submit it late again and never bother you with something like this again." She handed me over her assignment. I took it and checked her work.

"How's it?" she asked nervously.

"Wow, this is good. You did a good job." I said. She let out a joyous shriek.

"Good job, Soo Ae."

"Thank you."

The silence floated on the air.

"So, how's your practice?" I asked.

"Good. We'll perform on the festival in Shinchon soon. Would you like to come?" she asked. I nodded and smile. "Of course."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you." She gave me her angelic smile that I always adored.

"I should go back to practice. The girls are waiting." Soo Ae turned around and walked away after waved her hand.

"Oh, Soo Ae wait!"


"A-Are you probably free on Christmas Eve?" I scratched my nape due the nervousness.

"Christmas Eve??"

"Oh, I just wonder if you can come with me to some party..."


I looked at her confused. "W-What? Did you just say 'yes'?"

She laughed and nodded. "I said 'Okay'. See you at the Christmas Eve, Nam Joon."

I didn't believe this!!! Sung Soo Ae just accepted my request!!

I hummed around as I drove back to Professor Han's place happily.


Kim Seok Jin

Ji Yeon asked me to meet her at her office today. We talked about Min Seo's development at the school.

"She's a good girl."

"Oh, maybe because her cousins always telling her to be a good girl." I smiled.

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