Chapter 11: Second Funeral...

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Kim Tae Hyung

It was 4 a.m. when my phone vibrating and ringing loudly, awakened not only me, but also Ho Seok Hyung and Ji Min. "What's happened?" Ji Min asked half a sleep, meanwhile Ho Seok Hyung had drifted back to his sleep.

I looked at the ID caller with squinted eyes, half asleep. Mom?

"Oh, my mom..." I mumbled. Ji Min nodded and went back to his sleep.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Kim Tae Hyung..." I barely heard what Mom had said.


"Wake up the boys, now. And come here quickly, Grandma is in the hospital and she want to see you boys, especially you, Tae Hyung..." Mom said softly. And in a flash, I didn't feel drowsy anymore. I sat up right and held the phone with both my hands. I'm afraid if it's slip away from my hand.



"Is Grandma okay?"


I heard a loud thud from the other side. I widened my eyes. I knew something's happened. Something wrong...

I stood up. "I'll waking the others and go there as soon as possible!!" I rushed outside and slammed the door shut before running to the stairs, toward Seok Jin's and Yoon Gi's room. I kept the phone on my ear, in case Mom will say something and I'm right.

"T-Tae H-Hyung..." I heard Mom. I slowed my pace before fully stopped.

"Grandma... Grandma..."

I widened my eyes in disbelief. It can't be. I felt my knees going weak. I crouched down on the stairs and let the phone slipped away from my hand before my phone hit the floor and rolled down from the stairs to the flat ground, I heard Mom's trembling voice.

"Come here and give your final tribute to Grandma..."

I broke into tears.

It just too late...


Park Ji Min

I heard Tae Hyung slammed the door shut. I woke up again due the shock.

What's happened with that boy?

I was going to sleep again when I heard a thud from outside. Sounded like something broken. I sat up and pushed my blanket aside; leaving Ho Seok Hyung. I rubbed my eyes and stopped immediately when I saw a phone broken into pieces on the floor in front of the stairs. It's Tae Hyung's phone.

"Tae Hyung." I went closer to him and shook his shoulder. He hung his head down to his knees. "What's happen?"

Tae Hyung looked up and I found him crying.

"What's happen??"

"Ji Min..."

"Yeah?" I took a sit beside him.

"Our Grandma..." Tae Hyung told me everything.

"I...I'll wake the others..."


Kim Seok Jin

I've awakened Min Seo up. She was sleeping in my shared room with Yoon Gi again this night. Well, her room haven't done yet. I felt grateful toward her. She patiently waited for her room to be done and never whining.

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