Chapter 10: Dismantled Secret...

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Min Yoon Gi

"Yoon Gi, they are here." Yoon Sang opened my studio door. I noticed him and took off my headphone.

"Come on." He motioned me to get up from my seat and walk out. I sighed. A new singer was come today. Thanks to Yoon Sang. He was the one that take care of everything while I was busy with the songs, included searching for the singer and he eventually got one for me when he hadn't got one for himself.

"Busy with a new song?" asked Yoon Sang when we were waiting for lift that will bring us to the guest room in the 2nd floor.

"As you see..."

"You looked tired these days. Do you feel unsatisfied with your songs?" asked Yoon Sang. Yeah, he's the best as always. I flashed a smile, the lift was arrived. We got in, Yoon Sang pressed the 2nd floor button.

"The last song isn't good enough." I replied his question.

"You know, you always can ask me whenever you need help." Yoon Sang offered help. That's why I love this guy~

"And you can ask me either. Thank you for looking for the singer for my new songs. I'll look for one for you next time." I patted his shoulder before walk in the guest room.

"Good luck Min Yoon Gi!"


Kim Seok Jin

I was in the middle of meeting with my new client when my phone vibrated. I asked for permission to answer the call. Fortunately, they gave permission and I quickly quitted the room to answer the call.

Ha Ji Yeon? Why she calling me?

I swiped the screen and brought it closer to my ear. "Hello?"

"Are you busy, perhaps?"

I hesitated at first. Should I tell her that I was in the middle of an important meeting or...

"No." I replied.

"It's about Min Seo..."

"Min Seo? What's happen to her?"

"She's crying and I don't know why. She doesn't want to tell me."

And I heard Min Seo's crying at the other side. I inhaled deeply and said "Could you pass the phone to Min Seo?"

"Okay. Wait a minute."



"Min Seo?" I called her name carefully.


"Don't cry. Why are you crying?" I asked.


She didn't answer and I felt anxious and started to tap my right foot on the floor. The client was waiting; I can't loss this important client but at the other side, Min Seo wasn't okay.

"Min Seo, I'm sorry but Oppa..."

"Pick me up, Oppa. I wanna go home." She cut my words.

"Okay, Oppa will pick you up. Can you pass the phone to Teacher Ha?"


"Hello? It's me."

"Could you please take care of Min Seo while I'll send one of her cousins to pick her up?"

"Okay. We are in the playground near Seoul Grand Park."

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