Chapter 23: Girl Who Taught Me...

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Jeon Jung Kook

It was a fine day. A cool breeze blew the dry leaves from its branch. The birds were chirping around. A warm sunshine illuminated the room through the glass window. Although the class was buzzed like a bunch of bees, I didn't mind them and just focused on reading the manga that I had got from Tae Hyung Hyung.

It was a perfect day, a good day...

Well, it WAS!

Mrs. Oh, our English teacher was just coming with sheets of papers on her hand. Her glass was threatened to fall down, but it was not. Her arrogant looked sometimes intimidated me and I didn't like it. Plus the fact that I never liked the subject that she taught. English.

"Okay class, how about a bit quizzes for today?" She said it with a smile plastered on her crimson red lips. The class groaned as the reply, but it didn't stop Mrs. Oh to distribute the papers for the quizzes.

"Attention, please!" She clapped her hand to get the class' attention. The class became silent all of sudden.

"Now, let's get your seatmates changed." She said as she took out a medium box behind the desk.

"I've prepared some cards with number in it. Now, come to the front one by one and take your card." We came to the front to take the card. I've got the card with number 9 printed on it. I headed to the number 9's chair and slumped myself down. Need sometime before all the students had already sat on their seat. But I had got no seatmate.

"Ma'am, I've got no seatmate." I raised my hand.

"Oh, someone absent?" asked her while scanning the presence list in her hand.

The class door was sliding opened suddenly. "Sorry I'm late!" A girl walked in while trying to catch her breath. She held on her right forearm firmly.

"And where have you been, Miss Jung?" Mrs. Oh fixed her glasses as she looked at the girl closely.

"Toilet." She replied shortly.

"Uh huh, don't do this again. I let you slide because we're going to have quizzes." Mrs. Oh folded her arms on her chest. She scanned around the class.

"We've arranged the seat and you don't have a chance to take the cards. You've got the last card, Miss. Go and sit with Jung Kook at the seat number 9." She handed over a number nine card to the girl.

"Thank you, Ma'am." She took the card and looked around the class to found the vacant number nine seat.

"Ji Kyung, over here." I raised my hand to let her know where I was. She turned her head toward me and walked closer while gripping on her bag.

"Where have you been? You're late." I whispered. Ji Kyung didn't give me a glance and just looked at the front.

"I've said earlier. Toilet." She replied shortly. I was going to open my mouth to confront her more; telling that I will never get deceived by her lie, but Mrs. Oh hit her wooden stick on the board, asked for our attention.

"Listen. If one of you is failed at this quizzes... All the students of this class should receive an assignment for remedial essay. So beware, especially you, Jeon Jung Kook." Mrs. Oh pointed at me using her wood stick.

I could hear a clicking tongue from here to there. Hey! What's their problem?! I always received the remedial assignment and I'm okay! Nam Joon Hyung helped me so much. Guess, I would be failed at this quizzes and let Nam Joon Hyung to do the remedial essay for me just like usual.

It had been 30 minutes and I hadn't answered anything. I just turned the questions paper around all of these times.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. I didn't know the mean of the words which were written on the paper. I gave a glance at my side. Ji Kyung nearly finished.

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