Chapter 24: Valentine's Graduation...

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Park Ji Min

I stared at my reflection on the long-length mirror in our shared room. Tae Hyung had woken up already and currently had his shower. I could hear his hum from here along with spraying sound from the shower. I chuckled upon his excitement.

"Oppa, you're just too cool." Min Seo who sat on my bed with her leg cross-legged said. I looked at her through the mirror and gave her a smile.

"Am I too cool? I thing Seok Jin Oppa is cooler. And how about Nam Joon Oppa and Tae Hyung Oppa? You ever said that you like them most, didn't you?" I looked at Min Seo through the mirror; leaving her speechless.

The atmosphere went silent as I tied my tie. Not so difficult because I had been doing this for more than 6 years since middle school.

"Everyone is cool with their own way and I think you're cool with your own way just like the other." Min Seo said. I turned around to look at her. She just grinned.

I took steps closer and messed her hair. "You don't know anything." I plastered a faint smile and stared straight into her eyes before asking for my cloak on her lap.

The door opened and Ho Seok Hyung came inside.

"Oh~ look at this cool boy who's going to graduate today~" Ho Seok Hyung teased and I just smiled.

"Don't forget to come to our school later." I reminded him.

"I know, I know~ Where's Tae Hyung by the way?" Ho Seok Hyung asked. The door opened once again and showed Tae Hyung with a towel wrapped around his waist. He used another towel to dry his wet hair.

"Here comes another cool boy who's going to graduate." Min Seo butted in. Ho Seok Hyung laughed and showered Min Seo with affection kisses and tickles. Min Seo rolled on the bed while giggling.

Tae Hyung headed toward the closet to take his uniform and started to get change.

"Oh, oh!! Kim Tae Hyung!! There's Min Seo here~" Ho Seok Hyung quickly covered Min Seo's eyes with his palm.

"Oh! My bad~ So, Your Majesty, would you like to turn around? The prince over here needs to change." Tae Hyung asked.

I hit his shoulder lightly with my fist. "What 'prince'?" I chuckled.

Min Seo giggled and turned around to face the wall. "Okay."

Ho Seok Hyung got up from the bed and took his phone on the table before walking out. "Come out quickly. The breakfast is ready. I'm talking to you too, Princess Jeon." Ho Seok Hyung said.

"Okay." Tae Hyung, Min Seo and I replied in unison.

I buttoned the last button and fixed my nametag before shifted aside to let Tae Hyung occupies the mirror while I packed my stuff.

"Okay, Your Majesty, you can turn around now."


Kim Tae Hyung

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" I asked as Ji Min and I walked side by side to the school. Ji Min rubbed his hands together; looking for the warmness. He was cold, but the coldness couldn't erase his smile on his lips.

The weather started to get warmer gradually, even though it was still cold. I could see a faint vapour on the air as we breathed.

"Yes it is. But don't you feel something off, Tae Hyung?" Ji Min asked. I furrowed my eyebrow. I didn't feel that way.

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