Chapter 12: Fight Me, Kim Tae Hyung... -_-"

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Kim Nam Joon

Damn Tae Hyung with his stupid plan!

I was in the Professor Han's office; helping him to arrange the students' assessed assignment, summed it up and wrote their score on Professor Han's personal book for his own record. But I couldn't focus. I read it twice and I had to change few because I summed it wrongly.

Ugh! What's wrong with me?

I groaned while erased the number. My eyes kept drifting away to the calendar on the wall. It was December 18th. A week before Christmas Eve...

Ugh! Kim Tae Hyung!!!

I accidentally nudged the books stack with my elbow and made it scattered on the floor.

"Nam Joon, what's wrong?" Professor Han asked from his desk not so far from me. He fixed his glass and stared at me. "N-Nothing, Sir. I-I just accidentally..." I hadn't complete my sentence but Professor Han just nodded and got back to his activity; evaluated the remaining assignments.

I sighed in relieved and tidied up the scattered papers. It was such a relief that Professor Han wasn't angry, even though I've never seen him angry, but who knows?

30 minutes elapsed and I was still struggling with the sum.

Oh Kim Nam Joon, why did you become stupid? That was just a sum and you couldn't do it properly before erased and summed it for twice?

"Oh!" Professor Han frowned and gave me a glance.


"Sung Soo Ae hasn't submitted her assignment again." He said calmly but deathly. I widened eyes in shock and apologized as the team leader of my class. "I'll ask her right away!" I bowed and took a leave.

I dialled Soo Ae's number impatiently. She didn't answer it right way. I had to call her again and again. She picked it up eventually at my 4th trials.


"Hey, Sung Soo Ae!!"


"Bring your assignment to me, right now!!!"

"Ah! Kim Nam Joon!! I've forgot to give it to you yesterday!!!"

"Uh huh? That's why I asked you to bring it to me right now."


"Soo Ae, are you there?"

"Hm, yes... I'm still here..."

"Bring it to me now or else you have to rehash Professor Han's class."

"... But Nam Joon... I can't go there now. I'm practicing..."

I face palmed. Soo Ae always has a vocal practice at the afternoon. She's the idol of our campus.

Well, no wonder. She's pretty, kind and has an angelic voice too. Not only that, she can dance. She's joining the dance club in our school. They are often performing in many festivals. And I always come to watch it. Sometimes I wondered why she didn't become a trainee so she can be an idol.

It's a lie if I say that I don't fanboying over her like the other boys in our campus.

"Nam Joon? Are you still listening?"

"Uh oh, yeah. I'm coming to your place, now."

"W-wait, w-what?!"

"I said, I'm coming to your place now. I'll take your assignment with me."

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