Chapter 21: Lunch Mate...

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Back to 2016
Park Ji Min

Jung Kook chose to spend his lunch break time with his friend; playing basketball. Tae Hyung had absent. He was still staying at Grandma's house. We couldn't blame him though. He was the one who spent nearly on his entire life with Grandma before he moved to Seoul and lived with us.

"Just join us, Hyung." Jung Kook said when I asked him why did he had to play the basketball with his friend and left me alone.

"Hell no!!" I refused firmly.

"Why? It's fun. I'm pretty sure that my friends will like you."

I snorted and looked away. It's not that I don't like Jung Kook's friends or what. They were kind. But I just didn't feel like playing basketball. It was hot outside, even though they would play it at the indoor court, it still hot.

"How about the lunch?" I asked him. But he just laughed. "It doesn't matter if I skip lunch though. As long as we're happy!!" Jung Kook cheered.

"I'll tell Seok Jin Hyung that you've skipped the lunch." I scared him off.

"Oh my God, Hyung. Did you just threaten me?" Jung Kook snickered. "Just say that you don't have a friend to eat your lunch." He added than laughed as much as he could until he felt satisfied.

"I have friends, you know?! I'm just... worried about you, do you understand." I stuttered as I tried to looking for a reason. "But I guess you don't need to be worried." I scoffed.

"You're such a kid, Hyung." He wiped a tears in the corner of his eyes; too much laughing. Then Jung Kook leaned forward a bit to equalize our eyes level. I was shorter than him. I couldn't avoid the fact anyway.

"Go and eat your lunch like a good boy, understand?" He said with the tone that we often used to talk with a child. He patted my head and ran away before I could catch him and beat him.


I was going to skip the lunch and went to library instead. I thought I could find something to make me happy there. But I felt my stomach growled; asking for food.

"Darn it!" I just realized that I actually could enjoy the lunch with my classmates just if I were go to the cafeteria with them. If only Jung kook told me earlier that he would skip his lunch and chose to play basketball, I could go with them since earlier.

Maybe I could go after them to the cafeteria?

No, I wasn't sure that I could find them in such a large cafeteria before the lunch break over.

I walked to the cafeteria, alone by myself at last. The cafeteria was crowd just like I had expected. They buzzed just like a bunch of bees.

After getting a tray with food on it, I bought it to the table nearby with a few vacant seats. The table was should be occupied by 6 people, but 2 students had occupied it, so I moved to the very end of the table.

Better to eat fast and leave quickly.

When I barely had a mouthful of rice, a girl approached. "Is this seat is already taken? Excuse me, but the other seats were already taken... Can I sit here?" She asked for permission.

"Just take it. It's vacant."

We were eating in silent for 2 minutes before she started to laugh awkwardly. "Awkward, isn't? Wanna talk?" she suggested.

Actually, I was okay with the earlier atmosphere. But maybe this girl felt uncomfortable. So I just nodded and smiled at her. "Go on."

"I'm sorry, but I just can't bear to be in such atmosphere just like before." She said.

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