Chapter 5: Mart...

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Kim Seok Jin

I woke up and found my cousins are sprawled out here and there, again, except Yoon Gi. He adores his bed so much. But... what are they doing here? Sleeping, of course. I mean, why did they sleeping here??

The night before...

"Hyung, where should I put Min Seo down?" asked Jung Kook. The others were still outside, except Yoon Gi, of course. He went straight to the bedroom, and I bet, he's lying down on his bed right now. Well, after he threw an idea to bring Min Seo home? He didn't care about Min Seo, now? Oh, okay. Maybe he's too tired. He is the one who persuaded the parents earlier. He can be tired psychologically. But hey! I just drove from Busan till Seoul without rest!

"Hyung?" Jung Kook waited for my answer.

"Uh... put her on my bed." I said. Jung Kook brought Min Seo to my bedroom that I used with Yoon Gi, while I threw myself on the sofa.

The reason why I told Jung Kook to put Min Seo on my bed? Well, the first reason is I didn't think that the other members will give their bed to Min Seo voluntary; maybe they'll play rock-paper-scissors so the one who lose should give his bed to Min Seo. Childish.

The second reason is, our bedroom is the quietest room, or maybe the one and only? The room of Jung Kook and Nam Joon? No. There's Jung Kook there; he wouldn't let Min Seo sleep quietly. He will disturb her by playing with her hair or her nose. And there's Nam Joon who always snores noisily. I'm afraid that he will wake Min Seo u

The room of Ho Seok, Ji Min and Tae Hyung? No!! They're so noisy! Min Seo might be awake all night long! There's no doubt!

The third reason is, just like I've said. Yoon Gi adores his bed so much. And he's sleeping quietly. I can give Min Seo my bed, so why not? Maybe it's the most perfect place for her to sleep.

The last reason is our room is the tidiest room! The room of Jung Kook and Nam Joon is like a wardrobe; with Jung Kook's clothes everywhere. Nam Joon complains a lot about Jung Kook's clothes that block the access of sunshine to his bed; they're used double deck bed, Jung Kook sleeps at the above one. While the room of Ho Seok, Ji Min and Tae Hyung is maybe full of cable and things; they have a game device in their room. Even though Ho Seok is the neat person, it's not enough.

"You'll sleep here, Hyung?" asked Ji Min. I nodded.

"Yoon Gi is the best roommate for her."

"If that so I'll sleep here." Ji Min ran to his room, got a blanket for him.

"You can sleep in your room though..." I said. But he didn't hear me just like always.

"It's gonna be fun!" He said excitedly.

"Hyung, let's watch movie!!" Ji Min chose the movie, when Jung Kook, Tae Hyung and Ho Seok brought their blanket out as well. "What are you doing?" I asked them. "We'll sleep here." replied Nam Joon. He gave me a blanket that he got from the cabinet.

"But hey guys, you can sleep in your room." I said. They didn't hear me. Besides, they looked so busy choosing the movie. Oh, it's okay. I'm not sleeping alone in the living room, and Yoon Gi can take care of Min Seo.

I rubbed my eyes as I remembered that they were accompanying me sleeping in the living room. I glanced over the clock. 7 a.m. Actually it was early enough to wake up, but I have to go to the office and the younger ones have to go to school.

"Wake up, sillies. You need to go to school."


Min Yoon Gi

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