Chapter 25: A Hope Within...

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Jung Ho Seok

I was staring at my phone when Nam Joon entered my room noisily. Ji Min and Tae Hyung who were already in their deep sleep awakened and threw a death glare to us before closing their eyes again and drifted back to their dreams.

"You scared me to death!!" I hissed and glared at him. I didn't want to awaken the younger ones up again.

"Chill! I just want to borrow your phone. I haven't got the new one." Nam Joon whispered; trying to explain in his low voice, but he's Nam Joon. He was still too loud, so I dragged him outside.

"Why? What's wrong??" He looked bewildered.

"You're going to wake Ji Min and Tae Hyung. And just for your information, I can't let you borrow my phone!"

"But why~~" Nam Joon frowned in dissatisfaction.

"I-I'm waiting for the news f-from the college." I turned my head away and fled to the kitchen. I needed water!

I could hear Nam Joon clicked his tongue and stomped his feet away. Why did he need to borrow my phone though? And why he didn't get a new phone for him as soon as possible? He had an extra pocket money, I thought so...

"Jung Kook, can I borrow your phone???" I heard Nam Joon talked to Jung Kook who was playing a game in his room. As I could remember, Jung Kook left his phone charged at the living room. He said that one of electric sockets in his room was broken while there was no vacant one; he plugged his computer and some computer equipment. Yoon Gi Hyung was fixing the broken socket right now.

"What?! Noooo!!!!!" Jung Kook's yell was followed by loud and hasty steps toward the living room.

"DON'T TOUCH MY PHONE, NAM JOON HYUNG!!!!" Jung Kook shouted.


"You might break mine too just like yours."

I almost spurted the water that I was drinking upon hearing on Jung Kook's reply. Seok Jin Hyung and Min Seo who were eating their meal were holding back their laugh hardly.

"You haven't slept yet? Why?" I pulled a chair across Min Seo and sat on it.

"I haven't sleepy yet." She said as she finished her meal. "I want a dessert." Min Seo added. Seok Jin Hyung took out a leftover cake from the refrigerator and put a small piece on Min Seo's plate; my birthday cake.

"Can I have a little more?" Min Seo asked. Wearing a sad face with pouting lips and a puppy eyes, Seok Jin Hyung didn't have any choice beside give her a little 'more'. Min Seo squealed in joy before eating her dessert..

"Let's brush your teeth and let me take you to your room." I said. Seok Jin Hyung went to his room already, left me with Min Seo at the kitchen alone.

Min Seo finished her dessert in no time. So I brought her to the bathroom to brush her teeth. While I let Min Seo brush her teeth, I looked at my phone again. But there was nothing new.

Where are you, Yool? What are you doing right now?

I couldn't help but missed her. I haven't met her in a week. She didn't send a single message to me and even she didn't wish me a hopeful birthday. It made me sad.

I groaned as I scrolled through the chats. She hadn't read my message since a week ago. Did she break her phone or what? I couldn't find her at the school either. Or is she sick?

"Oppa?" Min Seo pulled the tip of my shirt and snapped me to the reality.

"Uh, yeah?" I looked at her. She lifted her left eyebrow, certainly looked so done with me.

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